Rating: 6.3 Fair
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Created by: John Yianni, John Yianni

Published by: Gen42 Games, Gigamic, HUCH! & friends


Army of Frogs is for 2-4 players and resembles Hive in that the gameboard is created while you play.

The goal of the game is to create one large group of frogs-an army, if you will-through tactical manoeuvring and placement of the pieces, which are hexagonal Bakelite frogs.

Each player starts with two randomly drawn frogs, and on a turn a player takes the following three actions to build and shift an island of frogs in the center of the table:

  1. if possible, move a frog of his color that's on the board to a new location (something that's obviously skipped on the first turn)
  2. add one of the frogs in his supply to the board, and
  3. draw a new frog from the bag and add it to his supply.

The first player to link all their frogs (with at least seven in play) wins the game.

Retail Price:$31

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