Bad Omens

Normally you will end up with a deck consisting of two Coppers, and a discard pile with the rest of your cards. Sometimes you will only have one or no Coppers; in those cases reveal your deck to demonstrate this.

This prevents you from buying Action cards during one turn, starting in the Buy phase. If you get Deluded during your turn before the Buy phase (such as with Leprechaun), it will apply that turn; normally it will apply to your next turn.

Deluded / Envious is two-sided; take it with the Deluded side face up.

This causes Silver and Gold to make when you played in your Buy phase for one turn, rather than their usual
, starting in the Buy phase. It does not affect other Treasures, just Silver and Gold. If you get Envious during your turn before the Buy phase (such as with Leprechaun), it will apply that turn; normally it will apply to your next turn.

Deluded / Envious is two-sided; take it with the Envious side face up.

The revealed cards that are not Actions are shuffled back into your deck.

You discard an Action or Treasure if you have either, and only reveal your hand if you have no Actions and no Treasures.

Types are the words on the bottom banner, like Action and Attack. If there is no cheaper card that shares a type - for example if the card trashed is Curse - the player does not gain anything.
Lost in the Woods

The two sides are the same; use either. Using the ability is optional. Lost in the Woods stays in front of you turn after turn, until another players takes it with a Fool.

When scoring at the end of the game, you lose 2 . This does nothing until then, it just sits in front of you.

If this hits you for a third time in a game, nothing will happen; you stay at Twice Miserable.
The Moon's Gift

If your discard pile is empty, this will not do anything.
The River's Gift

You draw the card after drawing your hand for your next turn.
The Sky's Gift

If you choose to do this with fewer than three cards in hand, you will discard the rest of your cards but not gain a Gold. Discarding three cards gets you one Gold, not three.
Twice Miserable

When scoring at the end of the game, you lose 4 . This does nothing until then, it just sits in front of you.

If you do not find a card costing or
, your entire deck will end up in your discard pile, with nothing trashed.
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