
You get + and receive a Boon.
Blessed Village

You see the Boon before deciding to resolve it immediately or at the start of your next turn. If you save it for next turn, it sits in front of you until then (or until the end of that turn if it says to keep it out until Clean-up).

In games using this, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Haunted Mirror. When you gain a Cemetery, trash from zero to four cards from your hand.

When Changeling is in the Supply, any time you gain a card costing at least , you may exchange it for a Changeling from the Supply. You can only do this if you can actually return the card you gained, and there is at least one Changeling in the Supply.
The Changeling goes to your discard pile, no matter where the gained card went. Things that happen due to gaining the gained card still happen.
So for example you could gain Skulk, exchange it for a Changeling (returning Skulk to the Supply and putting Changeling into your discard pile), and still gain a Gold from Skulk's ability.
Exchanging for a Changeling is optional. You cannot do it if the gained card costs less than , even if it normally costs
or more, and you cannot do it if the cost is neither more or less than
(such as Transmute from Alchemy).
When you play Changeling, you trash it and gain a copy of a card you have in play; that can be any card you have in play, including Actions, Treasures, and Night cards, and including Duration cards you played on a previous turn that are still in play.

If you gain a Nomad Camp (from Hinterlands) with this, it goes to your hand.

When you play this, you can play an Action card from your hand, provided that you do not have a copy of that card in play.
It does not matter if you played the Action card this turn, only that it is not in play when you play Conclave; you can use Conclave to play a card that you played but trashed and so do not have in play, like a Pixie you trashed, but cannot use it to play a card you did not play this turn that is still in play, such as a Secret Cave from your previous turn.
Conclave normally cannot play a Conclave, as that is a card you have in play. If you do play a card with Conclave, then Conclave gives you +1 Action, which has no special limitations, and so can for example be used to play another Conclave.

For example if you set aside three Treasures, then at the start of each of your next three turns you will put one of them into your hand, and at the end of the last of those turns you will discard Crypt from play. The Treasures are facedown; you can look at them at any time, but other players may not.
Cursed Village

If you already have six or more cards in hand, you do not draw any cards. When you gain Cursed Village, you receive a Hex; since that will often be in your Buy phase, some of the Hexes may not do anything to you. Den of Sin: Since Night is after the Buy phase, normally you can play this the turn you buy it.
Devil's Workshop

This counts all cards you have gained this turn, including cards gained at Night prior to playing it. You cannot choose a different benefit; if you have gained two or more cards, you have to gain an Imp, you cannot take a card costing up to or a Gold instead. Normally, bought cards are then gained, but cards exchanged for (such as Vampire exchanging for Bat) are not gained.

At the start of the game, deal out three Boons face up for Druid. If there are other Fate cards in the same game, those Fate cards will not produce those Boons that game; the deck will consist of the other nine Boons.
When you play Druid, you choose one of its three Boons to receive, and leave it there in the setaside area for Druid, even if it is one of the Boons that says to keep it until Cleanup (e.g. The Field's Gift).

The Spirits are Will-o'-Wisp, Imp, and Ghost. If for example you trash a Silver, you can gain a Will-o'-Wisp or Imp, as those both cost less than Silver.
Faithful Hound

"End of turn" is after drawing in Clean-up. The Reaction ability can happen on your turn and on other players' turns; if for example you discard Faithful Hound to another player's Raider, you can set it aside and return it to your hand at the end of that turn.
Faithful Hound does not have to be in your hand for the ability to work; for example you can set it aside when it is discarded from your deck due to Night Watchman.
The ability does not work if Faithful Hound is put into your discard pile without being discarded; for example nothing special happens when you gain Faithful Hound, or put your deck into your discard pile with Scavenger (from Dark Ages).
The ability does not do anything during Clean-up. Setting Faithful Hound aside is optional. You cannot choose to discard Faithful Hound without something telling you to discard.

If you have Lost in the Woods, playing Fool does nothing. If you do not have Lost in the Woods, you take it - even from another player, if another player has it - and also take 3 Boons and receive them in the order you choose (discarding them when receiving them, or in Clean-up as appropriate).
You do not need to pick the full order in advance - pick one to resolve, then after resolving it pick another to resolve. The player with Lost in the Woods (if any) can optionally discard a card to receive a Boon, at the start of each of their turns.
In games using Fool, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Lucky Coin.
Ghost Town

Since Night is after the Buy phase, normally you can play this the turn you buy it.

Since Night is after the Buy phase, normally you can play this the turn you buy it. When you play Guardian, you are unaffected by Attack cards other players play between then and your next turn (even if you want one to affect you). Guardian does not prevent you from using Reactions when other players play Attacks.

Idol cares how many Idols you have in play, not how many you have played this turn; some cards can make those numbers different (e.g. Counterfeit from Dark Ages). If you have one Idol in play, you receive a Boon, if two, the other players gain a Curse, if three, you receive a Boon, and so on.

Cards you have in play normally include Leprechaun itself, other cards you have played this turn, and sometimes Duration cards from previous turns. Cards that were in play but no longer are - e.g. a Pixie you trashed - do not count.

For example if you have gained three cards, you may trash up to three cards, with each being either a card from your hand or a Copper you have in play, in any combination. Normally, bought cards are then gained, but cards exchanged for (such as Vampire exchanging for Bat) are not gained.

This plays a non-Duration Action card from the trash. Normally it can at least play one of the three Zombies, since they start the game in the trash. It can play other Action cards that make their way into the trash too.
The played cards are turned over, to track that each can only be used once per turn this way; at end of turn, turn them back face up. Necromancer can play another Necromancer, though normally that will not be useful.
The Action card stays in the trash; if an effect tries to move it, such as Encampment (from Empires) returning to the Supply, it will fail to move it.
Necromancer can be used on a card that trashes itself when played; if the card checks to see if it was trashed (such as Pixie), it was not, but if the card does not check (such as Tragic Hero), it will function normally. Since the played card is not in play, "while this is in play" abilities (such as Tracker's) will not do anything.
Night Watchman

Since Night is after the Buy phase, normally you can play this the turn you buy it.

If you receive a Boon that says to keep it until Clean-up, move it to in front of you, and remember that you get it twice. In games using Pixie, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Goat.

In games using Pooka, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Cursed Gold.

For example if your cards in play are 3 Coppers, a Silver, and a Raider, then each other player with at least 5 cards in hand has to discard a Copper, Silver, or Raider, or reveal their hand to show that they did not have any of those cards.
Sacred Grove

You have to receive the Boon; the other players can choose to receive it. The Field's Gift and The Forest's Gift are not shared. The River's Gift means that each player choosing to receive it draws a card at the end of your turn, at the same time as you.
Secret Cave

If you do not discard three cards, Secret Cave is discarded from play at end of turn. If you do discard three cards, Secret Cave stays out until the Cleanup of your next turn, and you get + at the start of that turn.
You can choose to discard three cards even with fewer cards in hand, and will discard your remaining cards, but will not get the bonus. In games using Secret Cave, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Magic Lamp.

For example, you could discard three Victory cards to draw six cards. In games using Shepherd, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Pasture.

You gain the Gold whether you gained Skulk due to buying it, or gained it some other way.

Cards in play from previous turns are still cards in play; cards you played this turn but which are no longer in play (such as a Pixie you trashed) are not in play.

If you gain multiple cards with this in play, this applies to each of them - you could put any or all of them on top of your deck. This applies both to cards gained due to being bought, and to cards gained other ways with Tracker in play. Tracker is in play when you resolve its Boon, so if the Boon causes you to gain a card, for example a Silver from The Mountain's Gift, you can put that card onto your deck. In games using Tracker, replace one of your starting Coppers with a Pouch.
Tragic Hero

First draw three cards; then, if you have eight or more cards in hand, you trash Tragic Hero and gain a Treasure. If you cannot trash Tragic Hero (for example if you play it twice with Throne Room and trashed it the first time), you still gain the Treasure.

Follow the instructions in order. If the Bat pile is empty, you will be unable to exchange Vampire for a Bat, but will do the rest. The Bat is put into your discard pile.

Werewolf can be played in either your Action phase or Night phase. If played in your Action phase, you draw three cards; if played at Night, each other player receives the next Hex.
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