- 55 cards: 11 sets of 5 matching cards.
- 1 Rubber Pig
- Instructions
There are 3 game plays:
- Pigasus
- Oink
- Run Piggy Run.
I. Pigasus
Object of the Game
The last player left in the game is the winner.
- Shuffle the deck and deal all the cards face-down. One pile per player.
- Players do not look at their cards. Each player stacks his cards face-down in front of them. Each stack is a player's "Pig Pile".
Game Play
To begin the first round, players draw two cards in unison from their Pig Piles and look at them. …
Object of the Game
The last player left in the game is the winner.
To begin the first round, players draw two cards in unison from their Pig Piles and look at them. …