
- 6 Case Files Cards
- 8 Opportunity Cards
- 8 Motive Cards
- 12 Suspect Cards
- 24 Evidence Cards
- 21 Character Cards
- 4 Reference Cards
- 1 Investigation Board
- 3 Confirm Markers
- 1 Investigation Marker
- 1 Holmes Marker
- Rule Book
Object of the Game
Beyond Baker Street is a cooperative game where you must unite your intellect to solve a case before the great Sherlock Holmes himself. You will need to discover the Suspect, their Motive, and Opportunity to have committed the crime before Holmes does.
You all win the game if:
You score exactly 20 on the Investigation track and confirm the Suspect, Motive, and Opportunity Leads before the game ends in your defeat.
You all lose the game, and Sherlock wins, if:
- The Holmes marker reaches 0.
- The Investigation track ever exceeds 20.
- The last card of any Lead section is discarded to the Impossible for any reason.
- The players confirm the third Lead before the Investigation track reaches 20.

1 Prepare the Investigation board:
Players select the Case File card they wish to attempt to solve. The higher the number, the more difficult the case. First game: use Case File 1.
Look at the Holmes rating on the Case File card and place the Holmes marker onto that space of the Holmes track. For Case File 1, this is space 15.
Shuffle each of the Lead piles (Suspect, Motive, and Opportunity) separately. Place 3 cards of one type facedown on each of the 3 Lead sections of the board. Turn the top card of each pile faceup.
Place the 3 Confirm markers on the Case File card.
Place the Investigation marker on the leftmost space of the Investigation track (as shown).
2 Shuffle the Character cards and give 1 to each player. Alternately, players can select Character cards so as to help some players and hinder others.
First game: skip this step and play without Character cards.
3 Return any unused Case File, Lead, and Character cards to the box.
4 Give each player a Reference card. Shuffle the Evidence cards and deal cards to each player based on the number of players.
Number of players | Cards |
2-player game | 6 |
3-player game | 4 |
4-player game | 3 |
The only hands of cards you should see are those held by the other players.
5 The remaining Evidence cards are placed facedown on the designated area of the board. This becomes the Evidence draw deck.
6 The player with the lowest numbered character card (closest to 1) is the start player, then play proceeds clockwise.
First game: since you have no Character cards, the start player is the one who most recently read a story featuring Sherlock Holmes.
Evidence Icons

Track: The footprint and carriage tracks the characters can follow to ascertain the identity or whereabouts of the suspect.

Witness: The family, friends, neighbors, and passers-by interviewed by the characters to help corroborate their suspicions.

Clue: The characters finding small details at the scene of the crime and following up on them in their investigations

Document: The paper trail surrounding the investigation: newspapers, legal documents, maps, deeds, telegrams, and photography.
Game Play
In Beyond Baker Street, players hold their cards in clear view, with Evidence cards facing outward. Players should be able to see all other players' cards, but not their own.
On your turn, you must take 1 of the following actions. Passing is not allowed. After your turn, the next player in clockwise order takes an action and so on until the end of the game.
Identify 1 information on another player's Evidence cards. This must be how many of either an Evidence number or icon that player has. Holmes advances 1 space.
Play an Evidence card from your hand to one of the Leads. Draw a new card.
Place a Confirm marker on a Lead with as much Evidence as its value. Holmes moves back 1 space.
Play an Evidence card from your hand faceup to the Impossible. Advance the Investigation marker by that card's number and draw a new card.
Discard the top Lead card from one pile facedown to the Impossible and reveal the next Lead card from that pile. Shuffle all Evidence cards played to this Lead into the Evidence deck.
Note: whenever you play a card, whether it is through the Investigate or Eliminate action, you must draw a new card from the Evidence draw deck.
If the Evidence draw deck ever runs out, nothing happens, you should now have all the necessary information to solve the crime before Sherlock.
After resolving your action, check to see if any end game conditions have been met.
If the game has not ended, play moves to the next player on your left. The game continues in this manner until the game ends in either victory or defeat.
Tell another player 1 piece of information about their Evidence cards. This information will be the number of cards with a specific Evidence number or Evidence Icon that player has.
You must identify all the cards showing that number or icon that the player has in their hand. You may not tell a player that they have no cards of a certain number or icon.
Whenever a player does the Assist action, the Holmes marker advances 1 space on the Holmes track.

Choose one of the unconfirmed Leads and play an Evidence Card from your hand below that Lead. When playing an Evidence card to a Lead, your goal is to match the Lead's icon and reach that Lead's value.

After playing your card, draw a new card from the Evidence draw deck.
When you Investigate with an Evidence card, the following can happen:
The Evidence icon matches and the total Evidence exceed the Lead's value.
The number on the Evidence card is added to the other Evidence card already played to this Lead.
When the total equals the Lead's value, on a future turn any player may use the Confirm action to confirm the Lead.
The Evidence icon matches and the total Evidence the Lead's value.
If the total number of Evidence exceeds the Lead card's value, it becomes a Dead Lead (covered in The Impossible section on page 9) Move the Lead card to the Impossible where it now
counts towards the number of cards currently in the Impossible. Reveal the next Lead card of that pile.
All Evidence cards played to that Lead are shuffled back into the Evidence deck. If there are no cards in the Evidence deck, then the shuffled cards create a new Evidence deck.
The Evidence icon does not match the Lead.
If the Evidence icon does not match the Lead, then the Evidence card's number will be added to the total Evidence required to confirm the Lead.
Place the incorrect Evidence card beneath the Lead card so that the Evidence Number is still showing.
The added Evidence icon is ignored.
If the total Evidence value played to a Lead is exactly equal to the value of the Lead card (and any cards added to it), you may confirm this Lead by placing a Confirm marker on it. You are one step closer to solving the crime!
All the Evidence cards played to that Lead are turned facedown and may no longer be looked at during the game.
The Holmes marker then moves one space away from 0 on the Holmes track.

Note: the third Lead cannot be confirmed before the Impossible has reached exactly 20 on the Investigation track, otherwise players lose the game.
Play an Evidence card from your hand to the Impossible.

This Evidence is now considered eliminated and the Evidence number on this card is added to the Investigation track. Advance the Investigation marker by the value of this card.
After playing your card, draw a new card from the Evidence draw deck.

Discard the top Lead card from a pile to the Impossible. The discarded Lead card is a Dead Lead and is placed facedown in the Impossible.
Then reveal the next Lead card. The discarded card counts towards the number of cards currently in the Impossible.
Note: discarding the last Lead card in a pile causes the player to lose the game.
Any Evidence cards in the Lead section, whether they were there as Evidence or to increase the Lead value, are then shuffled into the Evidence deck.
If the Evidence deck is empty, then the shuffled cards create a new Evidence deck.
The Impossible
"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" - Sherlock Holmes.

Players must ensure that the evidence they gather is solid. To do this, they must gather enough eliminated Evidence to bring the Investigation track to exactly 20.
However, the Impossible may only contain the number of cards shown on the Case File card. Whenever a card is added to the Impossible in excess of this value, the Holmes marker advances 1 space closer to 0 on the Holmes track.
All cards placed into the Impossible count towards the number of cards allowed in the Impossible whether they are eliminated Evidence or Dead Leads.
There are three ways in which cards are added to the Impossible:
As eliminated Evidence with the Eliminate action: A player plays a card from their hand faceup into the Impossible. The Investigation marker advances by that Evidence number on the Investigation track.
As Dead Leads with the Pursue action: A player discards a Lead from a section facedown into the Impossible. The Lead value is not added to the Investigation track.
As Dead Leads with the Investigate action: A player plays an Evidence card that causes the Evidence value to exceed the Lead card's value. The Lead card is discarded facedown into the Impossible. The Lead value is not added to the Investigation track.
End of the Game
The game ends in the players' victory when:
The third and final Lead is confirmed and the Investigation marker is on space 20.
The game ends in the players' defeat, and Sherlock's victory, when:
- The Holmes marker reaches space 0.
- The Investigation marker exceeds space 20.
- The last card of any Lead Section is discarded to the Impossible for any reason.
- The third and final Lead is confirmed and the Investigation marker is not on space 20.
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