Turbo Cards (x8)

Each "Turbo" card allows the captain to overcome any one challenge (one die result).
The captain may choose not to play these cards (unlike the "Equipment" cards).
He may use as many "Turbo" cards as he wishes.
Power Cards: Ejection (x2)

Conditions of play:
- Only the captain, or passengers still aboard the air- craft, may play these cards.
- All passengers must have announced their intentions.
- The captain must not have played his "Equipment" cards yet.
Effect : The player who plays an "Ejection" card forces another passenger (never the captain) to leave the aircraft immediately. The targeted passenger removes his pawn from the aircraft and puts it on his "Adventurer" tile.
He then draws the first "Treasure" card of the current city and ends his journey there.
Power Cards: Jetpack (x2)

Conditions of play:
- Only the captain or passengers still aboard the air- craft may play these cards.
- A "Jetpack" card can only be played when the air- craft is about to crash.
Effect: The player who plays a "Jetpack" card uses his jet pack and descends safely.
He takes the top "Treasure" card from the farthest city reached by the aircraft on this journey, as if he had chosen to disembark.
Power Cards: Alternative Route (x2)

Conditions of play:
- Only the captain or passengers of the aircraft can play these cards.
- All passengers must have announced their intention.
Effect: An "Alternative route" card allows the captain to re-roll any dice of his choice once, if he wishes.
Note: These cards can be played even after the captain has already claimed that he could not face the events. Passen- gers may not change their decisions after the re-roll.
Power Cards: Wind Gust (x2)

Conditions of play:
- Any adventurer may play a "Wind Gust" card, including one who has left the aircraft.
- All passengers must have announced their intentions.
Effect : A "Wind Gust" card forces the captain to re-roll all the uneventful (blank) dice.
note Players may not change their decisions after the re-roll. These cards can be played even after the captain has already claimed that he could overcome the challenges.
Treasure Cards: Magic Spyglass (x4)

Caution : These cards are only present in the first 4 cities.
Conditions of play:
- Only the captain or passengers still aboard the aircraft may play a "Magic Spyglass" card.
- All passengers must have announced their intentions.
- The captain must have announced that he cannot overcome the challenges.
Effect: A "Magic spyglass" card allows the captain to find a route without any pitfalls. All challenges are ignored.
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