
- 4 monkey launchers
- 4 player boards
- 14 cups (4 red, 10 yellow)
- 36 coconuts
- 12 special magic cards
Each player takes a launcher, a player board, 2 special magic cards and 8 coconuts. Put the remaining components back in the box.
Each player places a player board on one of the sides of the triangle/square.
- +YELLOW = Normal cups. If you hit a yellow cup. take it.
- +RED = If you hit a red cup. take it and shoot again.
- + YELLOW+YELLOW CUPS = Stack one yellow cup onto another yellow cup. Place according to the picture above.
- +YELLOW+RED CUPS = Stack one yellow cup onto a red cup. Place according to the picture above.

Game Play

Now the youngest player may begin by shooting one coconut with the launcher. The player has to place or hold the launcher at a space behind the red line on his player board.
If he manages to shoot a coconut into a cup (and it doesn't bounce out again), he takes the cup and places it on a free spot of the player board. After the lowest 3 spaces are full, additional cups are used to continue building the next levels of the pyramid (see picture).
Note: You are not limited to the neutral cups in the middle area. If you manage to hit a cup on another player's board you may take it like any other cup.

If a player takes a red cup, he may shoot one more time. Coconuts are never removed from cups until the end of the game. After this, it is the next player's turn (moving clockwise). Play continues like this until the end of the game.
If a player runs out of coconuts, he may reuse any coconut that has not landed inside a cup. Before shooting the coconut, a player has to wait and see if the other players want to use one of their special magic cards.

Special Magic Cards

Guess Who?
Play when another player is about to shoot. This player has to make a blind shot. He may not shoot the coconut before closing his eyes.

Aimed Shot
Play when another player is about to shoot. Choose one cup. If the player lands a coconut in this cup, he takes it. If the player misses, he gets noth- ing - even if he hits a different cup!

Play when another player is about to shoot. This player loses a turn.

Far Shot
Play when another player is about to shoot. This player has to make a far shot. The distance should be at least a complete arm's length from the red line.

Call The Wind
Play when another player is about to shoot. You may try to divert the other player's shot by blowing. It is also allowed to use a fan or newspaper instead of blowing.

Reduplicate The Coconut
Play when you are about to shoot. On this turn you may shoot twice in a row.
End of the Game

If any player manages to build a full pyramid of 6 cups (see picture), OR if all coconuts are inside the cups, the game ends.
If a player has built a full pyramid, that player wins the game.
If the game ends because all coconuts have been used, the player who has the most coconuts in the cups on his player board wins.
If there is a draw in coconuts, the player who played last wins.
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