You can add either or both of the following two modules to the base game.
Module 1: Bonus Cards

Instead of choosing the Take a painting card action, you can buy a Bonus Card by immediately paying with white Pigments.
At the beginning of the game, agree on which rule will determine how everyone uses their Bonus cards:
Rule A
After you acquire the Bonus card, you immediately perform all or part of the bonus, then discard the card. This enables you to play several Bonus cards during a single round if several of your Assistants are performing this action (possibly including an Imitator).
Rule B
After you acquire the Bonus card, place it face up in front of you to save it for later. You can perform all or part of the bonus before or after performing an action with an Assistant.
With this option, you could accumulate several Bonus cards in front of you during the game; however, you can only use one per round. Also, once you use a bonus this way, flip the card face down to remind you that you have used a Bonus card this round, and cannot use another.
In phase 3, step 2 (Replace the Painting Cards), discard your face-down Bonus card.
Of course, you could choose to use the bonus immediately (like in rule A), because it is after an Assistant's action. Just flip the card face down as if you'd waited to use it later.

Paint card: costs 4 white Pigments. When you use this card, immediately Paint according to your Brush level.

Imitator card: costs 4 white Pigments. When you use this card, immediately perform the action of an Assistant (yours or an opponent's) still standing on the lower board.

Mix card: costs 4 white Pigments. When you use this card, immediately either Mix 2 Primary Colors according to your Palette level or Mix the 3 Secondary Colors.

Exchange Colors card: costs 5 white Pigments. When you use this card, immediately exchange 1 - 4 color Pigments (not white, not black). You can only exchange primary (blue, yellow, red) for primary and/ or secondary (green, orange, violet) for secondary.

Tool card: costs 6 white Pigments. When you use this card, immediately advance for free either:
- 1 Development marker 2 spaces.
- 2 Development markers 1 space each.
Module 2: Painter Tiles
During setup, give each player 2 random Painter tiles.
Keep 1 of your Painter tiles, and return the other to the box. Connect your Painter tile to the notch in the left side of your player board. Your Painter tile gives you a special power during the game. This power is some sort of talent or gift that is unique to you, as every artist should have....
Descriptions of the Painter tiles

Paul Cezanne:
Each time you perform the Improve a Tool action, you can improve the same tool a second time in the same round by spending a number of Pigments equal to the new improvement level to which you are improving it.
Example: Your Paint Tube is level 4 at the moment (its 2nd Development space). You perform the Improve a Tool action, and spend any 2 Pigments to advance its Development marker to the first 5.
If you wish to use your power to advance it an extra space, so you are closer to increasing its power, you must spend any 5 Pigments (but not the usual 2).

Edgar Degas:
When you complete a Painting, retrieve 3 Pigments (but not white) from it, and immediately paint them onto another Painting you have.
Paul Gauguin

At the beginning of the game, choose a secondary color (orange, green, or violet) and place a Pigment of this color on this tile.
Each time you perform the Mix 2 Primary Colors action to produce this color, you can replace one of the required primary Pigments with a white Pigment.

Edouard Manet
Each time you perform the Acquire Red Pigments action, you can immediately paint 1 - 2 red spaces (which could be on 1 - 2 Paintings).

Claude Monet
Each time you perform the Acquire Yellow Pigments action, you can immediately paint 1 - 2 yellow spaces (which could be on 1 - 2 Paintings).

Auguste Renoir
Each time you perform the Acquire Blue Pigments action, you can immediately paint 1 - 2 blue spaces (which could be on 1 - 2 Paintings).
Henri De Toulouse-lautrec:

On each Painting, you can paint 2 spaces with no regard to the colors of those spaces.
You can use any other color of Pigment on them but white; however, you can still use white Pigments in the usual way, with the 2 Prestige Point penalty at the end of the game.

Vincent Van Gogh
You can keep 16 Pigments at the end of each round, rather than 12.
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