Attack Skills
Reach: A character with this skill still needs to have line of sight to attack an adjacent area.
Ambidextrous: This skill can be used only to perform Melee Attacks and cannot be used to perform a Guard action.
Constriction: A character with Evasive ignores Constriction's Blocking effect, but not the damage from the attack.
Precision Strike: When a character with this skill performs a Melee Attack, they automatically reduce the defender's defense power by 1.
Attack from Beyond: When using this skill, a character ignores penalties from unarmed attacks (see page 9) and cannot benefit from Melee Attack bonuses from weapons.
Counterattack: When using this skill, a character ignores penalties from unarmed attacks and cannot benefit from Melee Attack bonuses from weapons.
A counterattack is a Melee Attack resolved after the first attack (whether damage was dealt or not) and can be performed only if the character with this skill survives the first attack.
Elite Shooter: A character with this skill is not affected by hindering when performing Ranged Attacks. They also ignore the effects of Protected.
Precision Shot: When a character with this skill performs a Ranged Attack, they automatically reduce the defender's defense power by 1.
Circular Strike: The attacker decides the order in which damage is dealt to defending enemies. Resolve the attack normally (determining attack power, defense power, etc). on one enemy before proceeding with the next one if there is still damage left to be dealt.
Miscellaneous Skills
Fascination: A character with this skill cannot be attacked by another character unless that character has been previously attacked by the character with Fascination.
Jinx: Reroll actions and free rerolls are not allowed in the area occupied by an enemy with this skill.
Support: This skill allows friendly characters in the same zone as this character to reroll a single die for free, even if that die has already rerolled.
Defense Skills
Sacrifice: A character using this skill can defend against the incoming attack only using their Armor. That character suffers any damage from the attack to prevent the character who was initially attacked from suffering damage.
Untouchable: A character with this skill ignores the first rolled symbol when defending against a Ranged Attack.
Bodyguard: A character with this skill can only parry (i.e. use an equipment card to defend against that attack, like a shield); they cannot dodge to defend a friendly character.
The attacked character cannot perform a Guard action, but they can still use their Armor in addition to their bodyguard's defense power. Any damage is dealt to the character who was initially attacked, not the character using Bodyguard.
Protected: Two or more characters with this skill cannot protect each other.
Movement Skils
Wall Wrecker: When a character uses this skill, they spend movement points and place the "Wall Wrecker" token
on the board to indicate the opening they created.
Then they immediately move to the other side of the wall they just wrecked. From now on, the two areas are adjacent and there is no penalty for moving from one to the other. The two areas also have line of sight on each other. Stone walls cannot be wrecked.
Web Projection: When a character uses this skill, place a web token
next to the attacked character's model to represent the web.
Leap: Leaping costs 1 movement point per crossed area border. For example, when leaping from one ship to another, a character crosses 2 area bor- ders; they must spend 2 movement points to leap.
Magic Skills
Spell Caster: Whenever a character loses the Spell Caster skill (because of encumbrance for example), any active spells remain active for their specified duration.
Teleportation: A character who casts this spell is not affected by hindering or by Blocking to move.
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