- 168 Cards/336 Categories
- Score Sheets
- Dead Ringer Bell
- 30 Second Timer
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Players score points by matching the Ringleader's answers. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Each player gets a score sheet. Place a stack of cate- gory cards (face-down) and the bell on a hard surface in the center of the group where everyone can reach them.
Game Play
The player whose birthday is next is the first Ringleader. The Ringleader takes a card off the top of the deck and places it face-up in the center of the group.
The Ringleader chooses one of the two categories listed on the card, reads it aloud to the group, and flips the 30-second timer.
All players, including the Ringleader, quickly write down 3 answers relating to the category on their score sheets. Players should try to match the 3 answers they think the Ringleader will write down.
When 30 seconds are up, players must stop writing immediately. Unfinished answers don't count.
The Ringleader reveals his or her first answer to the group. Players who wrote down that same answer anywhere on their lists quickly race to be the first to ring the bell.
The player who rings the bell first scores a RINGER. All other players who matched the Ringleader's answer, but weren't first to ring the bell, score a MATCH (see scoring).
If no player matches the Ringleader's answer, no points are scored.
Next, the Ringleader reveals his or her second answer to the group, and players with matching answers on their lists again try to be the first to ring the bell.
The Ringleader then reveals his or her third answer to the group, and players with matching answers again try to ring the bell.
If a player matches all 3 of the Ringleader's answers in the exact same order, the player shouts "DEAD RINGER" and scores additional points (see scoring).
After the Ringleader has revealed all 3 answers, the round is complete. Players tally up their points and write their scores in the space provided in the square.
The player to the Ringleader's left becomes the Ringleader for the next round.
The Ringleader scores 1 point for each answer that is matched by another player, up to 3 points per turn. (If a player scores a DEAD RINGER, the Ringleader scores 3 additional points).

All Other Players
Ringer - 2 Points - a RINGER is scored each time a player matches the Ringleader and is the first player to ring the bell.
Match - 1 Point - a MATCH is scored when a player has the same answer as the Ringleader, but is not the first player to ring the bell.
Dead Ringer - 3 additional points - a DEAD RINGER is scored when a player matches all 3 of the Ringleader's answers in the exact same order. (A player can score a DEAD RINGER even if he or she is not the first to ring the bell on any matches).
A player who rings the bell but does not have an answer that matches the Ringleader's answer loses 1 point.
Answers don't have to be exact to be considered a MATCH, but they do have to be "close enough".
If there is a disagreement about whether something is a MATCH or not, the group votes and the majority rules.
End of the Game
After 9 rounds, players add up their points and write their totals at the bottom of their score sheets. The player with the most points wins!
If there is a tie at the end of the game, a player selects a category card and writes down 1 answer. The players who are tied take turns guessing the answer the player wrote down out loud.
(The player who had the most RINGERS during the game goes first). The first player to guess the answer wins!
Sample Round and Scoring

The Ringleader reveals his first answer as "meat". Player #2 and #3 race to hit the bell. Player #3 hits the bell first scoring a RINGER (2 points). Player #2 scores a MATCH (1 point).
In this example, beef and meat are deemed "close enough".
The Ringleader then says "tomatoes". Player #3 is the only player to have "tomatoes" on his or her list and rings the bell scoring another RINGER.
The Ringleader then says "cheese". Player #1, Player #2 and Player #3 all race to ring the bell. Player #1 hits the bell first and scores a RINGER. Player #2 and Player #3 each score a MATCH.
Player #3 yells "DEAD RINGER" after matching all 3 of the Ringleader's answers in the exact order.
Example Scoring:
Ringleader - 6 points (3 points for each answer matched by another player and 3 additional points for scoring a DEAD RINGER with Player #3).
- Player #1-2 points for scoring a RINGER.
- Player #2-2 Points (2 MATCHES, but no RINGERS).
- Player #3-8 Points (2 RINGERS, 1 MATCH, and a DEAD RINGER).
Game Variation
(Playing without the Bell)
The first player selects a card, chooses a category, and reads it aloud to the group. All players have 30 seconds to quickly write down 3 answers that correspond to the category.
When time is up, the first player reads the 3 items on his or her list.
As the answers are shared, players who have a matching answer on his or her list say "MATCH" and place a checkmark indicating a MATCH. If nobody matches the answer, it is crossed off and no points are scored.
Continue around the group until every player has revealed his or her answers.
Answers that are checked off as a MATCH count as 1 point (up to 3 points per round).
Bonus: If a player matches the exact order of another player, a DEAD RINGER is scored and 3 additional points are scored for both players.
Write the score for the round in the space provided on the score sheet. At the end of 9 rounds, add up the points and the player with the most points wins!
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