During a survivor's turn, that player can perform any number of actions. Each time a survivor performs an action, reduce that player's stamina dial by one (or more, if the action costs more than one stamina).
A survivor can perform the same action multiple times during the same turn, but cannot perform an action if he or she does not have enough stamina to pay its cost.
Survivors keep any unspent stamina for the next day. When a survivor is taking a turn, that player is the Current survivor and is the only survivor that can perform actions.
Tribe Leader

The survivor with the tribe leader token is the tribe leader and takes the first turn each day. Additionally, if the group needs to make a decision but cannot agree, the tribe leader makes the decision.
At the end of each night, survivors discuss the upcoming day and decide if they want a different survivor to become the tribe leader.
The tribe leader makes the final decision, and can go against the wishes of the other survivors unless all other survivors unanimously choose the same survivor to become the new tribe leader.
The following sections provide rules for resolving each type of action.
Gather Action
This is the main way survivors interact with tokens from the map. When performing this action, the survivor chooses one feature, resource, or water source token in their space and resolves the token as follows:
Feature Token

The survivor flips the token faceup. If it shows a resource icon, that player places the token next to their character card, keeping the feature token as a resource. Survivors spend resources to craft items or to aid in combat (both described later).

If the token has an enemy image and number on it, the survivor fights this enemy in combat (described later).
If the token has only a number on it, the survivor searches the exploration deck for the card that has this number and resolves it (see "Resolving Numbered Cards" on page 9). After resolving the card, discard the token unless the card states otherwise.
Resource Token

The survivor takes the token from their space and places it next to their character card. Resource and feature tokens next to a character card are both considered resources.
When a survivor gains a specific resource from a card effect, the player gains a resource token (not a feature token) from the supply of unused tokens. The reference sheets show a full list of all resource types.
Water Source

When performing a gather action, the survivor does not gain the water source token and instead flips the token faceup and gains one resource token from the supply of the resource type shown on the water source token.
This water source token remains in this space for the rest of the game and provides an unlimited source of resources. For example, a survivor in a space with a "clean water" water source token can spend 10 stamina to perform 10 gather actions, gaining 10 clean water tokens.
Move and Gather Action
The survivor moves their figure to an adjacent space by spending stamina equal to the space's stamina cost, which is shown on the terrain reference sheet.
After moving, the survivor may perform one gather action in their space without spending stamina.
If a space contains multiple types of terrain, the cost is determined by the terrain that covers the majority of the space. If the space has a water source or landmark, the stamina cost is based on the terrain surrounding the water source or landmark.
Scout Action
Survivors cannot move onto facedown map tiles, and must first scout them. To scout, the survivor chooses a map tile adjacent to their space and flips the tile faceup.
Then they draw feature tokens from the supply, placing a matching token on top of each feature icon on that map tile. Each token is placed facedown without revealing it.

The feature token's artwork does not need to match the space's artwork. All that matters is the icon on the token.
If there is a water source icon () on that tile, place a facedown water source token in the space with the icon.
Trade Action
The survivor chooses one other survivor in his or her space, and the two survivors can freely exchange items, resources, and project cards.
To trade, both survivors must agree to the terms of the trade (i.e., which items and resources will be changing hands). If survivors cannot agree, nothing is traded, and the current survivor does not spend any stamina for this failed action.
Project Cards
Project cards provide survivors with blueprints for crafting items. Each project card shows the item that can be crafted as well as a resource cost, which indicates the materials needed to craft that item.

Project cards can exist in a survivor's hand or faceup in the play area where all survivors can use them. Project cards in a survivor's hand are kept hidden. However, survivors can talk about and show their cards to each other as they see fit. Survivors cannot look at cards in the crafted item deck until the item is crafted.
Craft Action
Craft actions allow survivors to use their resources to create items. When a survivor performs this action, they choose a project card in their hand or faceup on the table.
They spend the resources shown at the bottom of the card to gain the crafted item card that corresponds to the number on the lower-right corner of the project card.
If the survivor chose a project card in their hand, they place the card faceup on the table near the map and draw one new project card from the deck. Faceup project cards stay in play for the remainder of the game and do not belong to any one survivor.
In addition to their resource cost, some project cards also possess a fire icon (). Those projects cannot be crafted unless the survivor is at a fire.
Some terrain reference sheets use advanced project cards. Survivors do not start the game with any advanced project cards in their hands. When drawing cards, they can choose to draw from this deck instead of the project deck.
Spending and Discarding Tokens
To spend a resource, the survivor takes one of their feature or resource tokens and discards it faceup next to the supply of unused tokens. If a survivor spends a token that is worth two resources, they can choose to spend it as one resource and then receive one resource token from the supply.
When a pile of feature tokens is depleted, take all discarded tokens of that type, flip them facedown, and randomize them to create a new supply.
Carry Limit
Each survivor can have a combined maximum of 10 resources and items at a time. If a survivor has more than 10, they must choose which 10 to keep.
Resources not chosen are placed in the survivor's space, resource side faceup, and cards not chosen are discarded. Some items have the Quest iteM trait. These items are crucial to some quests, and must be kept.
Some items allow survivors to Carry resources on them. This allows the survivor to place some of their resources on the item card. Those resources do not count toward the survivor's carry limit (but the item itself still counts as one card toward the carry limit).
Investigate Action

Some spaces contain landmarks, which are points of interests for survivors to explore. Each landmark has a number that corresponds to an exploration card.
If a survivor is in the same space as a landmark, that player can perform an investigate action to resolve the exploration card matching that landmark's number.
Resolving Numbered Cards
Exploration, enemy, and crafted item cards all have numbers on their backs. These decks are kept in numerical order so that survivors can quickly find the appropriate card when they are instructed to do so.
When a survivor is instructed to resolve a numbered card, they pick up the appropriate deck and find the card back matching that number. They read the card aloud and resolve it. There are four types of cards in these decks, and each is resolved differently, as follows:

Instant: The survivor follows the instructions on the card, and then returns it to the deck. The italicized flavor text on cards provides story elements that may be referred to by other cards.
Upgrade: The survivor places this card next to the map. It remains in play and provides an ongoing effect for all survivors.
Enemy: The survivor resolves combat against this enemy.
Item: The survivor keeps this card and places it next to their character card. This item provides benefits to that survivor as detailed on the card.
A survivor cannot have two items with the same name-this applies to crafted items as well. If a survivor gains an item that they already have, they gain the new copy of the card and either return the old card to the deck or give it to another survivor in their space.
Card not in deck
If a survivor is instructed to resolve a specific card, but there is no card with that number in the deck, then the survivor does not resolve the card. This can happen if another survivor already has the item or if the card was removed from the game by another effect.
Duplicate Numbers
All cards in the exploration deck that have the same number are identical (excluding some of the cards that are removed from the deck during setup).
If a survivor is in the same space as a landmark, that player can perform an investigate action to resolve the exploration card matching that landmark's number.
Survivors can suffer damage in a variety of ways, including from combat and by not having food or water when required by a night card. Each time a survivor suffers a damage, that player must choose one of their health dials that is currently showing a heart and turn it to the damage type suffered.
There are four types of damage:
Starvation Damage: This Damage Represents Ailments Due To Not Eating Enough Food. It Is Easily Healed Using Food.
Dehydration Damage: This damage represents weakness due to not drinking enough water. It is easily healed using water.
Sickness Damage: This damage represents disease or poison that can be healed using medicine (see "Recover Action").
Physical Damage: This damage represents a severe injury, such as a broken arm, that cannot be healed by a recover action.
When a survivor already has three damage and suffers a fourth damage of any type, the survivor is eliminated and loses the game.
Recover Action
The survivor can heal one damage by spending the appropriate resource, as follows:
Spend one food to heal one
(starvation) damage.
Spend one water to heal one
(dehydration) damage.
Spend one medicine to heal one
(sickness) damage.
A survivor chooses to either heal their own damage or the damage of another survivor in their space. To heal damage, the survivor chooses one health dial that is currently showing that damage type and turns this dial to the heart.

Dirty Water

There are two types of water: clean water and dirty water. Either can be spent as water.
After a survivor spends dirty water, they must either spend one medicine or roll a die. On a roll of 1-3, the survivor suffers one damage.
If a survivor discards dirty water, they do not roll the die.
Cook Meat Action
If the survivor is at a fire, that player may exchange any amount of their meat for an equal amount of food.
Restart Fire Action
If the survivor is at an unlit fire, that player may spend one wood to light the fire (flip the token to its lit side).
Card Action

The survivor can use a card action on one of their items, their character card, an upgrade Stamina Icon card, or the current quest card. These abilities are preceded by a number and stamina icon.
To perform this action, the survivor must spend the listed amount of stamina. Survivors can only resolve card actions during their turn.
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