
- 1 Pad with 4 different levels
- 4 Felt-tip pens
- 13 Dice
Object of the Game
Each player puts dice on fields with the matching number of pips (dots on the die) on their game sheet. At the end of each turn, the fields get marked with an . This way players collect more and more
's on their sheets.
Some fields enable special actions or provide extra points at the end of the game. The player with the most points at the end wins!
There are 4 levels of difficulty, and players decide which level they want to play. Each player receives a Felt-tip pen and the game sheet for that level. Depending on the number of players, different numbers of dice are needed.

- one player = 8 dice
- two players = 7 dice
- three players = 10 dice
- four players = 13 dice
Place the remaining dice back into the box. The youngest player starts the first round.

Game Play
Rounds and Turns
The number of rounds played is dependent on the number of players. During a round, each player takes a turn as the starting player, rolling all the dice.
- one player = 10 rounds
- two players = 6 rounds
- three players = 4 rounds
- four players = 3 rounds
After a player has rolled the dice, they mark this on their game sheet by by ticking off round 1. A round is over once all players take their turns, as shown by the rounds being marked on their game sheet.
Beginning with the starting player, turns proceed clockwise giving each player a chance to take and place a die. The next time it is a player's turn, they tick off round 2, etc.
Example: Vicki and Joe are playing a two player game. Round one begins with Vicki as the starting player. Vicki rolls 7 dice and marks round 1 on her game sheet. Vicki takes a die and places it on her game sheet, then Joe takes a die and places it on his game sheet.
Vicki takes a second die and places it, then Joe takes a second die and places it. Vicki takes a third die and places it, then Joe takes a third die and places it.
Vicki takes the remaining die, placing it. Vicki's turn ends. Vicki and Joe mark the dice on their game sheets. Now Joe is the starting player.
Joe rolls 7 dice and marks round 1 on his game sheet. Play proceeds as before with each player alternately taking a die and placing it on their game sheet. Once Joe takes the final remaining die, his turn ends.
Both players mark the dice on their game sheets. Now that all players have had a turn as the starting player, Round 1 ends. Round 2 can begin.
Placing Dice

During their turn, the starting player rolls all the dice.

After that, they sort the dice in ascending order of the displayed pips for a better overview.
In a clockwise direction, beginning with the starting player, every player takes exactly 1 die and puts it on a field on their game sheet. The following rules have to be observed:
The die must be put on an unused field (no
The dice must be put on the fields matching the number of pips. A die with a 5 must be put on a field with a 5, a 2 on a 2, but not a 3 on a 1.
Every player must put their first die chosen horizontally or vertically next to any field that has already been crossed out. At the beginning, there are only the printed starting fields. However, later in the game, there are more and more possibilities for placing the starting die for players.
The next die that is used by a player must be put horizontally or vertically next to a die that is already on the field. This way connected "dice clusters" are created.
Players must take a die and play it if possible.
If there are dice remaining after every player has taken a die, then the starting player takes another die and play proceeds clockwise as before.
A player's turn is over when none of the other players can take a die or want to roll again.
Example: The first die Beth takes is a "3". She placed it next to the starting field
A. The other players each choose a remaining die.After that she takes a "2" and puts it next to the "3"
B. The other players each choose a remaining die, then she takes a "5" and puts it next to the "2"C.Lastly, after the other players each choose a remaining die, takes a "6" and puts it on the left side of the "2"
D. During her turn, Beth could have put the "5" below the "3" or the "6" to the right of the "3".
Closed In
It can happen, that a player has no available field next to already placed dice and thus cannot place another die. The die or dice are closed in by X's, next to the edge of the game field, or blocked by obstacles, e.g. a field with a lock that is not available yet.
In this case, and only then, a player is allowed to "jump". Jumping means that the player can put the next die on any available field next to an X on their game sheet.
Of course, the die's pips must match the field, but there cannot be a connection to dice that have already been placed. The player, so to say, "jumps" from one place on their game sheet to another, starting a second dice cluster. The placed die thereby functions as a new starting die.
During the game, the following die must be put next to it. Should a player again be closed in, they can then jump to another field and start a third (fourth, fifth, etc). dice cluster. In this case, a player finishes their turn with more than one dice cluster.
Example: Tony takes a "2" for his first die and puts it next to already made
A. The next die he takes is a "1" and must be put next to the "2"B.As these dice are now closed in by
's and the edge of the game field, Tony is now allowed to "jump" with the next die. He takes a "4" and puts it next to an
C.As he is once again closed in, he must jump again. He puts the "5" of the next die now next to another
No More Fitting Dice
Only when a player is no longer able to place dice according to the rules are they allowed to choose to roll again or drop out.
Rolling Again
When a player decides to roll again, they take all the remaining dice from the table and roll them again. Thereby they can acquire more useful dice.
Should they be able to put at least one die on their game sheet, they must use it. Should they not be able to use a die according to the rules after rolling again, they must return one of the dice from their game sheet back to the table as a penalty.
The value of the die that is returned must not be changed. In rare cases, it is not possible for players to return a die as none have been placed on their game sheet before.
Whoever decides to roll again, stays in the game no matter what the results of the roll are. When they have the opportunity to choose a die again, they can take a die or decide to roll again if they are not able to take any of the available dice.
Example: After Geri picked a "3" for her first die, she put a "1" next to the "3". Next, she takes a "4" and puts it next to the "3".
As the other players have taken all other matching dice in the meantime, and there are no more "2" or "6" on the table, Geri can decide to roll again or drop out.
She rolls again and is unlucky as neither a "2" or "6" has been rolled. Thus, she has to return a die back to the table. She returns her "3",- hoping she can take it again during her next opportunity.
Dropping Out
If a player decides to drop out, they are out of the current turn and can no longer take dice. To show that they have dropped out, they put their pen on their game sheet. However, a player who rolls the dice again, stays in the game.
Last Active Player
When all players but one have dropped out, the last active player has exactly one more opportunity to choose a die.
They can take a die from the table, roll again, or drop out if none of the dice can be placed according to the rules. Once this last active player makes their choice, this round is over for everyone.
Putting X's

As soon as all players have dropped out or there are no more dice on the table or the last active player finishes, the turn is over.
It is possible that players have different amounts of dice on their game sheets. Now the players put X's on their fields. Each player marks all the fields which are covered with dice with 's.
Example: This is how a typical turn could look for a player. As the first die taken, (marked in red), Nick has put a "5" next to a printed starting field.
The next die he takes is a "2" that he has put next to the "5". The next dice he takes a "3" and a "6" that he placed next to the "2".
All dice form a cluster of dice. At the end of the turn, Nick marks all four fields, which are covered with dice, with
End of the Game
The game ends once all rounds have been played. Points are now awarded. Each player adds up the points they earned for special fields minus the points for bombs and brown piles.
Whoever earned the most points wins the game.
Should there be a tie, the player with fewer 's on their game sheet wins. If there is still a tie, then players share the victory.
Rare Special Case
In the extremely rare case that a player has crossed out or put dice on all of their fields, the game finishes early after the current player's turn.
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