- 4 cans of compound
- Game Mat
- Plastic Mold
- Blindfold
- Spinner Board
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Try to dodge the colorful unicorn poops as you walk along the mat whi le wearing a blindfold.
Spread the mat out on a flat, suitable playing surface, with the rainbow side facing up.
Remove the compound from one of the cans and place roughly half of it into the mold. Push down firmly on the compound, making sure it fills the whole mold, before peeling it out.
Well done, you've created your first poop! Now do the same with the other half of the compound and the remaining cans. When finished, you'll have eight poops!
If You Want to Make Rainbow Unicorn Poops, Place Multiple Colors Of The Compound In The Mold Together!
Place five of the poops in different locations on the mat.
Everybody take your shoes and socks off!

Game Play
The youngest player goes first!
On your turn:
Stand atone end of the mat (don't step on it yet!) and have everyone countdown from 10 as you try to memorize the locations of the poops. When your 10 seconds are up, put on the blindfold.
Ask one of the other players to spin the spinner and call out the space it lands on.
Some spaces have extra symbols next to a number! If the spinner lands here...
Now try to walk to the other end of the mat in at least the number of steps determined by the spinner (unless you spun the unicorn) without treading in poop!
If you take less than the required number of steps, you must start again from the beginning! If you take more, that's okay! You just have to make it to the end of the mat.
Once you've reached the other end, and can no longer feel the mat under your feet, remove the blindfold and count how many poops you stepped in. That number's important, so be sure to remember it!
Place any poops that were stepped in back into the mold one at a time and reshape them. Then place them back on the mat, anywhere you like!
Choose someone to go next! Play until everyone has had a turn, and remember to spin the spinner before each player walks the mat!

- Did your foot only gently touch a poop? It still counts, so step in it anyway!
- Any poops added to or removed from the mat must stay like that for the next player!
- For advanced play, get someone to spin you around three times before you walk the mat!
- Remember, there's enough compound to make eight poops in total!
End of the Game
To win, step in the fewest poops as you walk blindfolded from one end of the mat to the other! Was it a tie? Play again until there's a clear poop-dodging champion!
Solo Play
Play as described above, but spin the spinner and add or remove poops (you don't need to rearrange them) before you put on the blindfold. Then make your move! Can you dodge all the poops?
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