- 68 adventurer cards
- 50 treasure coins
- 32 adventurer meeples
- 6 goblin meeples
- 6 custom dice
- 21 location cards
- 16 enhancement cards
- 4 turn summary cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Pack your lucky socks and get ready for an adventure exploring Dragonrealm! Sneak into the Witch's Cabin, search the Ogres' Treehouse, or storm the Dragon's Lair.
Add adventurers to different locations in the hopes of getting the most treasure. But watch out for goblins who might get there first and grab the treasure before you! In the end, the player with the most treasure wins.

Place the double-sided Adventurer's Academy/Alley Location card face-up in the middle of the playing area. (Use the Academy side for your first game).
Sort the remaining 20 Location cards into 4 face-down piles, based on color, and shuffle each individually.
Create a Location deck by placing one random Dragon location (Green) face-down, then stack 6 more locations on top of it, alternating Purple (I) Orange (II), Blue (III), Purple (I) Orange (II), Blue (III).
Place the remaining Location cards back in the game box. Reveal the first 3 locations by placing them face-up in a row, above the Adventurer's location.
Note: For a 2-player game, play without the Halfling Hideout (blue) and Crystal Mountain (orange). Also - stop after 5 additional locations, so you end u]p with 6 total.
Give each player a Turn Summary card and then sort the rest of the cards into two decks: an Enhancement deck (purple back) and an Adventurer deck (red back).
Shuffle the Enhancement deck and deal 3 cards to each player. Each player should look at the various powers, and then choose to keep either two Level 1 enhancements or one Level 2 enhancement.
(Place them face-down in front of you, hidden from opponents).
Discard the other card(s) to the bottom of the Enhancement deck.
Note: If you are playing with the Adventurer's Academy you may return the Enhancement deck to the box, otherwise place it to the side within easy reach of all players.
Each player should collect the 8 adventurers (meeples) in the color of their choice.
Place the 6 goblin meeples to the side of the Adventurer's location card.
Sort the Treasure coins by value and place them in separate piles within easy reach of all players.
Place the 6 custom dice also within easy reach of all players. (Be sure to note the sides: 1,2,2,3,3,4).
Shuffle the Adventurer deck and deal 5 cards to each player. (Keep your cards secret from your opponents). Stack the rest of the deck face-down to form a draw pile and then turn 2 cards face-up next to it.
During setup, if anyone gets a Goblins! or Rockslide! card, or if one appears face-up, shuffle it back into the deck and deal a replacement card.
In a 4-player game, randomly remove 2 Goblins! cards from the Adventurer deck.
Location Cards
Location cards make up the main focus of Dragonrealm. Each card includes:
Game Play
Whoever traveled furthest from home goes first and play passes to the left. On your turn, you may either Rest (draw 2 Adventurer cards) or Explore (attempt to place one of your adventurers on a location).
I. Rest
Save up your energy to explore Dragonrealm! Announce that you are taking a rest and draw 2 Adventurer cards, one at a time, either from the face-up cards or the face-down deck (or 1 from each).
If you draw a face-up card, immediately replace it with a new card from the deck so there are always 2 face-up cards.
Max hand size is 9. If your hand is ever larger than 9, immediately discard back down to 9.
If the Adventurer deck runs out, immediately shuffle the discard pile to start a new deck.
Goblins have arrived and they are trying to grab the treasure before you do!
When you draw or reveal a Goblins! card, it will indicate a Location card (left, middle, or right).
Add a goblin meeple to one of that location's open spaces, then discard the Goblins! card. Afterward, draw a replacement card.
Note: When only 2 locations remain, left/right Goblins! cards still apply. If the card is "middle", place the goblin on the non-Dragon location. (Goblins never go on a Dragon location or the Adventurer's Academy/Alley).
A rockslide occurred mixing up the adventurer parties!
When you draw or reveal a Rockslide! card, immediately discard it, and then all players either pass two cards to the left, or one card to the right depending on the card drawn.
Afterward, draw a replacement card.
Note: If the player passing to you doesn't have enough cards, make up the difference by drawing from the top of the deck.
II. Explore
Time for adventure! You may explore one of the face-up locations with one of the following three actions: Sneak, Search, or Storm. To explore, play one to six cards from your hand face-up and announce which location you're exploring and the type of action you're using.
For example: "I'm going to storm the Dungeon of Despair".
Take one die for each card you played and roll them. For example: if you play a 4-card Storm, you would roll 4 dice. Compare the total value rolled against the value on the location you were exploring.
If the total is equal to or greater than the amount listed for the action you chose, the explore succeeds! If the total is less, the explore fails.
Explore Succeeds: Place 1 of your adventurer meeples on one of the location's open spaces. If that explore type has a gold circle around it, place 2 meeples instead.
Then discard the cards used and draw 1 new card from the face-down deck. Note: If you draw a Goblins! or Rockslide! card, immediately resolve it, and then draw a replacement card.
Important: If there is only 1 open space remaining on a location, you may still place 2 adventurers upon successfully completing an Explore action that has a gold circle. That extra adventurer counts towards determining the majority.
Explore Fails: Take the cards you used back into your hand. Do not draw a new card, instead place one adventurer on the Adventurer's location.
Adventurer's Academy
If you fail in your attempt to explore a location, head to the Academy to brush up on your adventuring knowledge. This may aid you in future explorations! On any future turn, you may remove one of your adventurers here after rolling to add + 1 to that roll.
Note: if you remove multiple adventurers at one time each counts as + 1.
Any adventurer remaining on the Adventurer's location at the end of the game counts as 1 Dragonstone, up to a maximum of 3.
Using Enhancements
Enhancements bestow their owners with special benefits while exploring Dragonrealm. Enhancement cards do not count towards your hand size and you may use one or more at any time. Declare if you are using any one time enhancements before you roll.
Reveal the Enhancement card when you play it. Discard any "one time use" enhancements upon a successful Explore action, otherwise leave them face-up.
Scoring a Location
Once a Location card has a total number of adventurers and/or goblins on it equal to or greater than the number of spaces on the card, the location is complete. Immediately score the card.
The player with the most adventurers on the location receives Treasure coins matching the value on the left of the shield (and is considered the winner of the location), while the player with the second-most adventurers receives Treasure coins matching the value on the right.
Any remaining players with adventurers on the location get 1 coin.
Important: Goblins count as a player when determining majority, but any treasure won by Goblins is simply lost.
Keep your coins face-down throughout the game so opponents can't see your total. (You can always look).
Special Cases
If there is only one player on a completed location, they collect both the first and second place treasure.
If two or more players tie for first place, add the two treasure values, divide the total by the number of tied players (rounding down), and give each player those coins. (All other players receive 1 coin for being part of the completed location).
If two or more players tie for second place, divide only the second place reward by the number of tied players (rounding down), and give each player those coins.
The winner of a location also collects the Location card and places it face-down in front of themselves, noting the Dragonstone value.
(At the end of the game, the player with the most Dragonstones gets a 5-coin bonus).
In the case of a tie for first place on a Location card, or if goblins single-handedly win the location, discard the card. In the event a player ties with the goblins only, that player still collects the Location card - goblins don't care about Dragonstones.
After a location has been completed, replace it with the top card from the Location deck. If there are no more face-down locations, play simply proceeds with those remaining. Return all adventurers and goblins.
Example: Mitchell (red) has 2 adventurers on the Halfling Hideout, while Caroline (blue) and Lauren (orange) each have 1. There are also 2 goblins. On Lauren's turn, she plays a 5, 6, and 7 card from her hand to attempt a "Sneak" action.
She rolls 3 dice, and gets a 4, 2, and 2 for a total of 8. Since 8 is equal to or greater than 7, her Sneak action succeeds. And because Sneak has a gold circle around it, Lauren places 2 adventurers on the card. With all of the spaces now full, the location immediately scores:
Lauren has the most adventurers (3) so she gets 6 coins and collects the Location card with its 4 Dragonstones as a bonus. She also draws an Adventurer card, since she succeeded in her Explore attempt.
Mitchell tied with the goblins for second place, so they split the second place reward (rounding down) and Mitchell gets 2 coins. (Coins won by goblins stay in the bank).
Caroline gets 1 coin for third place.
All players take back their adventurers, and the Halfling Hideout is replaced with the next card in the Location deck.
Location Card Details
Adventurer's Alley: Play as an alternate permanent location to the Adventurer's Academy. Similar to the Academy, place adventurers here after a failed Explore action.
However, they do not modify the rolls of any future Explore attempts. Instead, you may remove them at any time during your turn to purchase a random Enhancement card. To buy an enhancement, remove 2 of your adventurers from the Alley and pay the required cost.
(Discard 1 Adventurer card from your hand for a Level 1 enhancement, or discard 2 copper coins for a Level 2 enhancement).
Then draw cards one at a time until you get one that matches the purchase level. (You must take the first card that matches your level). Shuffle any other cards back into the Enhancement deck.
If there are no more enhancements left of a certain level, that level can't be purchased.
Coins from enhancements (e.g., Sapphire Pendant) or from other end-game bonuses can't be used at the Alley.
If you purchase an enhancement after rolling, it doesn't impact any previous outcomes of that turn.
Cave Of Bats: Goblins do not count toward the 2 player maximum.
Fire Swamp: The discarded card does not have to be one of the ones you used for your Explore action. If you have the Wings of Speed, discard 1 card first, then draw 1 card.
Dungeon Of Despair: You can't add adventurers from the Academy to a roll here, and you don't place an adventurer on the Academy after a failed Explore. The dungeon is a harsh place!
End of the Game
The game ends immediately once the Dragon location is complete. Score that location, and score any uncompleted locations as if they were complete. (For example, if only 1 player had only 1 adventurer on a location, they would get all the coins for that location, along with its Dragonstones).
Players then add up and compare all the Dragonstones from their collected locations, the Adventurer's Academy (or Alley), and enhancements.
The player with the most Dragonstones collects 5 Treasure coins. (Ties for most get 3 coins each).
Players now add up all their coins, including any on Enhancement cards.
Whoever has the most coins wins!
In case of a tie, whoever has the most Dragonstones among the tied players wins.
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