As the producer of a multimillion Hollywood studio, it is your job to sign the most wanted stars, obtain the rights for anticipated screenplays and assemble a buzzworthy team to produce the biggest blockbusters.
After years of hard work, you have three astounding screenplays in your hands; all that is left to do, is for you to produce them. You are about to visit magnificent cities and attend parties with the cream of the crop. Hopefully, you'll be able to sign Steve Spellborg to direct your next masterpiece.
Henry Putter and the Hole-in-one will be a critical and commercial success! The red carpet will unfold for you ! Glory awaits and it is yours for the taking!

- 1 game board
- 93 production tiles
- 22 screenplays
- 30 rating markers
- 50 $ 1,000,000 tokens
- 11 trophies
- 11 plastic stands
- 5 studio screens
- 1 Popcorn marker
- Rulebook
Carefully remove the cardboard components from the punchboards and place the 11 trophies in the plastic stands. Place the game board on the table.
Place the 6 trophies worth 5 points on the appropriate spaces on the board. Put the 30 rating markers on the corresponding spaces (numbered 0 to 22) on the board. The values 8 through 14 have two markers; place the one with the "+" on top.
Place the other 5 trophies beside the game board.

Shuffle the 4 legendary directors (the ones with a different back) and place them in a face down stack on the corresponding space.
Shuffle the remaining tiles and place them face down beside the game board. Shuffle the 7 screenplays without a studio number on them and stack them face up next to the game board in such a way that only the top screenplay can be seen.
The players decide among themselves who will be the starting player. The starting player takes the Popcorn marker.

A studio screen to keep his $1,000,000 tokens hidden. (In a 2-player game, the screens are not used).
The 3 screenplays with his screen's studio number. Place these in front of the screen. Place the unused screenplays and screen back into the
12 $ 1,000,000 tokens. In a 5-player game, each player only gets 10 $ 1,000,000 tokens. (10 tokens for 5 players)
Object of the Game
Be the player with the most points earned with his completed screenplays, trophies and remaining tokens at the end of the 4th round.

Game Play
A game is played over 4 rounds, each one representing a trimester. During each round, starting with the
Legendary Director location, the players will visit the 8 famous locations found on the board. The first 3 rounds end with one player receiving a 5-point trophy. At the end of the 4th round, the last 5 trophies are
handed out before the final tally is made.
Before each round, you must :
Place the topmost legendary director tile on the Legendary Director location.
Randomly place as many face down tiles as there are players on the 2 Party locations.
Randomly pace as many face up tiles as indicated on the 5 City locations (either 2 or 3).
Each round is then resolved as described below :
Starting with the Legendary Director location and proceeding clockwise, players visit each of the 8 locations on the board.
The tiles of a given location (Legendary Director, City and Party) are handed out when the location is reached.
Once a player receives one or more tiles, he must decide where he will allocate the tiles on his screenplays (he may also discard some of the tiles).
Each of the first 3 rounds ends with one trophy being awarded. The 4th and last round ends with the last 5 trophies being awarded.

Legendary Director and City Locations
When you visit the Legendary Director or a City location, the tile(s) are auctioned off:
The first player (the one with the Popcorn marker) begins the auction. He can pass or bid as many tokens as he wishes. A bid of 0, which is not the same as passing, is possible.
The auction continues clockwise. On his turn, a player may pass or bid. If he bids, his offer must be higher than the previous one.
A player may not bid more than he can pay.
A player who passes may no longer participate in the auction.
When all but one player have passed, the last player puts the amount he bid in the middle of the board and receives the tile(s) from this location as well as the Popcorn marker.
The tokens are then distributed equally among the other players. The remaining tokens stay in the middle of the board and will be distributed with the tokens paid for the following auctions.
Example: In a 4-player game, Adrian wins an auction with a 7-token bid. He puts the
7 tokens in the middle of the board and takes the tiles. The other 3 players each receive 2 tokens and the 7th one stays on the board.
Since he won the auction, Adrian also receives the Popcorn marker and becomes the fi rst player for the next auction.
Party Locations
When the players visit a Party location, the tiles on the location are immediately turned face up and distributed as described below:
The players must count their total number of actors and stars.
The player with the most actors and stars is the first one to pick a tile, followed with the player with the second most of these tiles, then the third, etc.
In case of a tie, the first player (the one with the Popcorn marker) or the player closest to him in clockwise order wins the tie.
Note : The first player does not change on Party locations.
Example: Daniel is the first player and has 1 actor and 1 star. The other players have the following number of actors: Jon (3 actors), Walter (1 star) and Laurie (2 actors and 1 star).
The order in which the players will pick their tile from the Party location is: Jon (tied but closest to the first player), Laurie, Daniel and then Walter.
Placing Tiles

As soon as a player receives one or more tiles, he must decide whether he will place them on his screenplays or not.
When he chooses to place a tile on one of his screenplays, the player puts it face up on the corresponding space of his screenplay. For instance, he puts a director tile on the space with the director's chair.
He can also put a tile over another one, if the screenplay is not yet completed.
The following tiles can be placed on blank spaces (those without an icon): actors, cameras, music or special effects. When placing a tile over another one on empty spaces, they must be of the same type as the previously placed one.
Note : There can be only one director and one star per screenplay. Directors cannot be placed on empty spaces.
Remaining Tiles
A player is never obligated to put the obtained tiles on his screenplays. If a player does not use all of his tiles, he must discard the unused ones. Discarded tiles are put back in the box and are no longer used in the game.
Contract Tiles

Contract tiles have the same function as a joker.
The contract tiles can replace any other tile, except stars. Thus, a contract may replace a director, an actor, a camera, music or special effects.
A contract may also be placed on a space already occupied by a director, an actor, a camera, music, or special effects IF the screenplay is not yet completed. The contract is put over the tile already in place.
Once a contract tile occupies a space, only contract tiles may be placed on this space.
Example: A music tile is placed on a blank space. Now, the owner of that screenplay can only place music or contract tiles on this space. If he decides to put a contract tile over the music tile, he would then only be able to place contract tiles.
Star Tiles

Star tiles are recognized by their red background.
The last space on every screenplay is reserved for stars. Stars can potentially increase the value of a screenplay but are not necessary for its completion.
As long as a screenplay is not completed, it is possible to place a star tile on the last space.
A star tile may be placed over another star tile.
Star tiles can only be placed on star spaces and only star tiles can be placed on star spaces.
Completing a Screenplay
A screenplay is considered completed once every mandatory space is filled.
The star space does not have to be filled. If this space is still empty once every other space is filled, a star tile may no longer be placed on this star space since the screenplay is now complete.

Rating a Screenplay
As soon as a screenplay is completed, the yellow stars featured on the screenplay are immediately added to every production tile on it. If there is more than one tile on a given space, only the topmost tile is counted.
The rating marker corresponding to the screenplay's total number of stars is placed above the screenplay to indicate its rating.
For those values with more than one rating marker (those with a "+"), the rating marker with a "+" is always awarded first. A "+" rating marker is worth more than the one with the same value but without the "+".
If the rating marker with the corresponding value is no longer available, the player must take the next lowest rating marker.
A completed screenplay cannot be modified.
Once a player has completed one of his screenplays, he takes the topmost screenplay from the pile and puts it in front of himself. If the pile is empty, players simply do not draw extra screenplays.
Example: Laurie won 3 tiles in an auction. She completes one of her screenplays with one tile. She rates the screenplay and takes another screenplay. She can then place the remaining 2 tiles on her screenplays, including the new one.
End of the Round
The round ends after the last location is visited and the tiles are placed. At the end of each of the first 3 rounds, a Best Movie trophy is awarded.

There is a total of 11 trophies, 6 of which are handed out during the game. The last 5 are awarded at the end of the game. Only completed screenplays may be awarded trophies.
Note: Trophies are always placed on the corresponding screenplay. A screenplay can receive multiple awards.

First Movie (for Each Of The 3 Genres)
There are 3 genres of movie: drama (blue), action (green) and comedy (red). The first completed screenplay in each genre receives the trophy of the corresponding color.
Best Movie

These trophies are awarded at the end of the first three rounds.
The completed screenplay with the highest rating receives the trophy. One screenplay can win this award multiple times.
The 5 remaining trophies are awarded at the end of the fourth round (end of the game). Remember that only completed screenplays may be awarded trophies.

Movie of the Year (for each of the 3 genres)
The highest rated screenplay in each genre receives the trophy of the corresponding color.

Best Director
This trophy is awarded to the player with the highest number of stars the directors of his completed screenplay. Contract tiles used instead of directors do not count for this purpose.
If players are tied for this trophy, it is simply not awarded.

Worst Movie
The completed screenplay with the lowest rating receives the Worst Movie trophy.
Hint: To increase your chances of winning this trophy, aim for tiles without stars and try hiring Reiner Knizia who is worth -1.
End of the Game
The game ends after the fourth round, once the last 5 trophies have been awarded.
The players then add the value of their completed screenplays, the value of their trophies, as well as the number of $ 1,000,000 tokens they have left. Screenplays that are not completed are not counted.
The player with the most points wins the game.
In case of a tie, the tied player with the highest rated screenplay (the one with the highest marker) wins the game.
Example: At the end of the game, Zack has completed 3 movies. Their respective values are: 10, 12 and 18. He was awarded 2 5-point trophies and 1 10-point trophy. He has 5 tokens left. His final score will be 65 points.
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