- 3 number dice
- 3 color dice
- 1 pad of player sheets
- 6 pens
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Players earn points by being the first to check off all boxes in a column, and all boxes of the same color. They must do so by only checking boxes which are connected to other boxes.
Make sure to complete columns before other players do! The first to complete a column earns more points than those that complete them later.
In addition to points for completed columns a player can receive a bonus if they checked all the boxes of the same color. The game is over when one player has checked off all boxes of two colors.
Give each player one player sheet.
Player Sheet

Game Play
Determine a starting player. This is the first active player, who will throw all six dice once.
The active player then chooses one color dice, and one number dice, which he places in front of him. He checks off the relevant boxes on his player sheet.
Any other player may now choose any combination (1 color die and one number die) from the remaining four dice and check off the appropriate boxes on his player sheet.
All players which are not "active player" may freely choose a pair of any of the remaining four dice; the only dice "removed" are those selected by the active player.
For the first three turns (the first three active players), all players may choose a combination of one number and one color die from all six of the thrown dice to select a combination of exactly one color and one number dice and check the appropriate box on his sheet.
Players may choose the same combinations.
A player may always choose not to use any combination, and therefore check off nothing. This also applies to the active player. If the active player chooses to take no dice, the other players may choose a combination from all of the six dice.
Select Combination and Check Boxes

To be allowed to check boxes, a player must always choose a combination of one color die and one number die. He must then check the appropriate boxes.
Example: the player chooses "blue" and "2". He must now check two adjacent blue boxes.
The following rules apply:
At the beginning of the game the first checked box must be in Column H. However, checks made during that turn can spread into other columns, as long as checked boxes connect, and are all of the same chosen color.
Checks must be horizontally or vertically adjacent to at least one already checked box, or start in the Start Column (H). Boxes that touch only diagonally do not count as adjacent.
You must check the exact number of boxes indicated by the die.
All checks made in a turn must connect to each other, in one "clump".
A color block of several boxes need not be filled completely in a turn.
You can never check more than five boxes in one turn. A Joker cannot be a "6".
On a turn the value of a die may not be split up in order to tick boxes in two separate color blocks of the same color.
The "?" number on the dice and the black "X" on the color cube are Jokers.
For the first turn of the of the game, Davebo rolls i1.jpg. One choice (A) is to choose
and check off five yellow boxes, which he can do because at least one of the checked boxes is in the "H" column. He could have also chosen
but, that'd be an odd choice.
Another choice (B) could have been
. He would have crossed off the entire 2-orange color block, which he can do because it is at least partially in Column "H".
could not be chosen, for, there's no space along the H column to check off 5 orange boxes.
Yet another option (C) would be to choose
and check off two of the blue boxes in the 4-blue color block. He can do this because one of the boxes was in the "H" column, and both checks made were connected. Checking off all 4 blue boxes would not have been possible if the
was chosen, because the entire value must be used.
As this was one of the first three rolls Davebo wouldn't set aside the dice for his pair. After the beginning of the fourth roll, those chosen dice would be taken out and the other players would only have four dice to choose from.
Note: If Davebo chose Option C, in order to complete the 4-blue color block, he would later need to choose
again, or
in two separate turns.
The number and the
color dice are jokers. If a player chooses the black one, they can choose a color for their self. If they choose the "?", they can specify a number between 1 and 5.
Attention: You may not choose "6" even if you wish to fill in a block of 6 boxes. 6 block boxes always require two turns at least.
Important: For each joker which a player uses, they must cross out an exclamation mark on their sheet. If they no longer have any exclamation points, they can no longer use jokers.
A player can use two joker dice if they wish. If they do, however, they must cross out two exclamation points. Note that leftover "I" at the end of the game are points!
Claiming Columns
Whenever a player succeeds in filling a column with crosses, they get the specified points below that column. If they are the first to do so, they circle the top (higher value) number beneath that column.
That player lets the rest of the players know they should cross out that value. Other players may still get points for filling that column, but they will circle the bottom (lower value) number.
The bottom (lower value) number is available to all subsequent players; it is never "claimed" as the first player to complete that column did the higher value.
Example: After a few turns, Davebo just checked the 3 blue boxes and filled a column. He lets the other players know "Column E is full" and circles the 2 points. The other players cross out the 2, they can only reach 1 point in column E.
Only the upper value of a column is deleted. All other players still have the possibility to reach the lower value.
In one turn, a player may complete multiple columns, and claim multiple points.
If multiple players complete a column on the same turn, all receive the higher points.
After all players have had an opportunity to choose a pair of dice, the dice are passed to the next player clockwise, and play progresses.
Color Bonus Points

When a player crosses off all boxes of a color, they will circle the appropriate bonus box on the top right of their player sheet.
If they are the first to do so, they circle the higher value and let the other players know to cross this out, as only the first player to achieve each color gets the higher points.
Just as with columns, all other players that accomplish that color get the lower value, it is never crossed out.

Each star on a player's sheet which has not been crossed off by the end of the game is negative 2 points each, for a maximum of 30 points lost.
End of the Game
The game ends immediately after the turn in which (at least) one player succeeds in circling his second Color Bonus (the value does not matter, either high or low).
If the active player is the one to end the game, all other players still get a turn as usual. Then the points of the individual players are determined. (A player could never have more than 2 Color Bonuses, but, of course, may not have any).

Total of all Color Bonus points.
Total of all Column Bonus points.
Each unused joker is worth a point.
Each unchecked star subtracts 2 points.
Whoever has the most points wins! If there is a tie, the player who has the most exclamation points wins. If there is still a tie, victory is shared.
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