Emergency Cards
Lost Assistance: Discard a card from the Triage Area of the board. The players may choose which card is discarded.
Setback: Choose a card in the Triage Area and move it back to the Stat Area.
Bathroom Break: Choose a player to lose two dice.
Regression: Remove a Cleared Tile from any Patient Card on the board.

No Help In Sight: You cannot use cards in the Triage Area. Place a Lock Down Tile on the + symbol on the board.
Lock Down: Place a Lock Down Tile on the Re- Roll Track. You cannot re-roll dice this round. Exception: The Triage Card 'A Fresh Start' allows you to re-roll without using the re-roll track.
Under Duress: Draw a new Emergency Card and add it to the appropriate area of the board, per the normal rules (Cards with a blue tab are added to the Emergency Area, and cards with an orange tab are added to the Stat Area). If there are no cards available in the draw deck, shuffle the discard pile and create a new draw deck.

Foiled Plans: Turn the Life Support Dial one time per the normal rules.
Increased Distress: Draw a new Emergency Card and add it to the appropriate area of the board, per the normal rules (Cards with a blue tab are added to the Emergency Area, and cards with an orange tab are added to the Stat Area).
If there are no cards available in the draw deck, shuffle the discard pile and create a new draw deck.
Unexpected Hindrance: Draw a new Emergency Card and add it to the appropriate area of the board, per the normal rules (Cards with a blue tab are added to the Emergency Area, and cards with an orange tab are added to the Stat Area).
If there are no cards available in the draw deck, shuffle the discard pile and create a new draw deck.
Escalation: After resolving the Emergency Dice, re- roll any dice in this space and activate them. If there is more than one card in this slot, both cards resolve before re-rolling the dice, per the normal rules.

Power Lock: Place a Lock Down Tile on each of the Recharging Stations. Players may not place dice on the Recharging Stations.
Under-manned: All players lose one die.
Chaos: Draw two new Emergency Cards and add them to the appropriate area of the board, per the normal rules (Cards with a blue tab are added to the Emergency Area, and cards with an orange tab are added to the Stat Area).
If there are no cards available in the draw deck, shuffle the discard pile and create a new draw deck.

Bad Timing: Any Patient Card triggers that have a red light and are currently connected to the Life Support Dial trigger immediately. Start with the life support connection with the diamond and move clockwise around to resolve. If there are no connections that currently have a red light, then nothing happens. I suppose you could say that was Good Timing then.
Power Loss: Move the left-most Power Cube from the Power Meter to one of the Recharging Stations. Players may choose which Recharging Station to add it to.
Caught Off Guard: Replace this card with the top card in the deck, and activate it. Discard this card. The newly drawn card takes the place of Caught Off Guard and activates as if it were in this space when the dice were rolled.
If the newly drawn card has an orange tab instead of a blue tab, then place it in the Stat Area instead. In this case, no card replaces the space where Caught Off Guard was, but it is still discarded.
A Thankless Job: No Patient Card triggers with a green light may be activated this round. At the end of the round when resolving Patient Cards, if you fully treat a patient, the beneficial triggers with green lights do not happen.
Triage Cards
Tactical Decision: At the end of the round, discard this card and do not turn the Life Support Dial.

Concentrated Effort: All players can change one of their rolled dice to any side. This card can be discarded in the middle of a Countdown, and does not need to be played before a Countdown begins.
Triage: At the end of the round, if you treated a patient and the life support is currently connected to a trigger with a red light, you may discard this card to ignore that effect.
This is true for all triggers with red lights that may have been activated this round. You may NOT use this card to ignore the effects of the card Bad Timing.
Clear!: Discard this card to place a Cleared Line tile on any unfinished line on any Patient Card.
Adrenaline Rush: Discard this card to give all players an extra die. Note that each player has a limited number of dice available to them. If a player already has all of their dice in play when this ability is triggered, then they ignore any excess dice they would receive.

Disaster Averted: Discard this card to roll only one Emergency Die instead of two. Discard this card after the Emergency Dice have been rolled, and you may ignore the effects of one of them. Exception: No Help In Sight.
Crisis Averted: Discard this card before the Emergency Dice are rolled, and you do not need to roll them this round. OR Discard this card immediately after the dice are rolled to ignore all effects from the Emergency Dice. Exception: No Help In Sight.
Under Control: Discard this card to choose any face- up card in the Emergency Area and discard it.
Recharge: Discard this card to move one previously discarded Power Cube back on to the first open space on the Power Meter.

A Fresh Start: Discard this card to allow all players to re-roll any number of their dice for free. No dice need to be sacrificed on the re-roll track. This card can be discarded in the middle of a Countdown, and does not need to be played before a Countdown begins.
Caffeine Rush: Discard this card and choose one player to gain an extra die. Note that each player has a limited number of dice available to them. If a player already has all of their dice in play when this ability is triggered, then they ignore any excess dice they would receive.
Note: As previously stated, all effects from any cards last for one round only. Cards can be played at any time, and used either for the current round or, if the Countdown has already completed, used for the upcoming round.
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