Gather Resource
Gain the resource (pizza or toys) shown from the shared
supply and place it in your Stuff. If this action lets you choose to gain either pizza or toys, you may only gain all pizza or all toys, not a mixture.
Pack Resource

Take one resource from your Stuff and place it in your Pack.
Why would I want to pack resources?
Some actions and made-up rules let you score points based on the resources in your Pack, and you can copy everything in your Pack by using the Copy Pack action.
Add Card to Lookout

Tuck one card from your hand into your Lookout (under the left side of your player board), showing only its suit.
Trash Card

Choose one card in your hand or discard pile (but not deck) and return it to the box. You cannot trash your played card or added cards, but you can trash a Best Friend. (Rude).
Trash This Card

Once you finish this action and any followers have finished their actions, return this card to the box.
Recruit Card

Recruit one card exactly as described in Recruit.
Advance Fort

Pay the resources shown between your current and next Fort Level, returning them to the shared supply. You may pay from your Stuff, Pack, or both. Then, move your fort level marker to the next Level. Your new Level may prompt you to gain a card, as described in Fort Level.
Score Pomt

Advance your score marker once on the Victory Track.
Spend Resource

Remove the resource shown from your Stuff or Pack, returning it to the shared supply.

Trash Rival Card
Return one card from any rival player's Yard to the box.

Copy Pack
Gain the same resources currently in your Pack and add them to your Stuff.

Copy Rival Pack
Gain the same resources currently in any rival player's Pack and add them to your Stuff. (You don't steal them!)
Convert Resource

Replace one pizza or toy in your Stuff or Pack with the other resource.

Other Action Symbols

Resources in your Pack
To clarify, when you score points from resources in your Pack, only the number of resources matters, not the types.

Your Fort Level
To clarify, this symbol is not the Advance Fort action.

Any One Suit
You can choose any one of the suits, including the j coin suit. To clarify, if you choose the same suit as the card with this action, its suit counts, but otherwise it does not.

Cards in your Lookout
To clarify, this is the number of cards, not suits.

Modified Cost to Advance Fort
This Advance Fort action costs one less or one more resource, as shown, of either type.

Do the action on the left side of this sign the number of times shown by the symbol on the right side of this sign. Actions without this sign happen once-they cannot be improved by adding suits.

Gather toys equal to glue.

Score victory points equal to number of resources in your Pack.

Do the action on the left side of this sign, then do the action on the right side of this sign. You must do the action on the left in order to do the action on the right, and you must do the action on the right if able.

Trash one card from a rival player's Yard, then gather one resource.

Advance your Fort Level, paying its cost, then score 2 victory points.

Parentheses contain a group of actions and symbols. When a group is multiplied by an sign, do everything inside the parentheses the number of times shown by the symbol on the right side of the

Recruit one card, then gather one toy, equal to squirt guns. (Each time, you must recruit in order to gather the toy).

Score victory points equal to books, then trash this card.
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