Tears of Allasha the Mother, Goddess of Life

Godtears from the life goddess cause rapid growth and mutation in the land around them. Their energy expands ever outward as the roots of Allasha's essence dig deep into the earth.
In the end phase of each turn, the player who lost the turn rolls a die and adds 2 to the result. Then they gather that many objective hexes and place them one by one on empty hexes that are adjacent to other objective hexes.
In the rare case that there are no empty hexes adjacent to objective hexes, they may place the next objective hex on any empty hex.
We recommend starting with the Life scenario for your first game of Godtear!
Tears of Gavorrah the Reaper, Goddess of Death

Plants wither, streams dry out, and the very soil fades to ashes around godtears from the goddess of death. Their energy draws back into itself, leaving concentrated regions of immense power where the godtear has fallen.
In the end phase of each turn, the player who lost the turn removes any two objective hexes of their choice. If there are any models on an objective hex when it is removed, they remain on the hex.
Tears of Essell the Restless, God of Change

Considered the most elusive of godtears, crystals from the god of change do not remain in a single location but seemingly blink from place to place within the ground they occupy.
In the end phase of each turn, the player who lost the turn rolls four dice. Then they move up to that many different objective hexes one by one onto empty adjacent hexes. If there are any models on an objective hex when it is moved, they move with the objective hex.
Tears of Ellian the Sage, God of Knowledge

The godtears of knowledge invade the very minds of those who seek them. Until the tear is claimed, a champion's thoughts are increasingly consumed by the crystal until no other thoughts remain.
In the end phase of each turn, the player who won the turn moves their warband token a number of steps closer to the middle of the battle ladder equal to the number of victory points they just won.
Tears of Trillinka the Huntress, Goddess of Quests

It requires great dedication and fortitude to successfully claim the power of one of the tears of Trillinka. Such crystals retreat deep within the earth if a champion has not proven worthy of their power.
In the Quest scenario, players score end phase points only for their banners that are on the opponent's half of the battlefield. In the end phase of each turn, the player who lost the turn may place one objective hex on an empty hex adjacent to one or more objective hexes.
In the rare case that there are no empty hexes adjacent to objective hexes, they may place the objective hex on any empty hex.
Tears of Korrivian the Trickster, God of Chaos

The legend of Korrivian is filled with tales of betrayal and bloodshed. His chaotic godtears lend themselves to brutal brawls and epic battles in which few mortals are left standing.
In the end phase of each turn, the player who lost the turn may place one objective hex on any empty hex on the battlefield.
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