Position Spaces

When a player starts his turn on one of the position spaces, he compares his position in the race with the large numbers on the space. If his position matches one of the numbers in the space, he must take 10 times this number of carrots from the carrot bank.
Carrot Space

When a player begins his turn on a carrot space, he may move as normal or he may remain on the space. If he remains on the space, he must take 10 carrots from the carrot bank or put 10 carrots in the carrot bank. A player may repeat this action by remaining in the space for as long as he likes.
Lettuce Space

When a player moves to a lettuce space, he immediately turns his racing marker face down. On his next turn, the player discards a lettuce card, takes carrots from the bank equal to 10 times his position in the race, and turns his racing marker face up.
On the following turn, the player must move from the space. A player in first place takes 10 carrots, a player in second takes 20 carrots, a player in third takes 30 carrots, and so on.
Tortoise Space

A player may only move to a tortoise space by moving backwards to it. In addition, the space must be unoccupied and the closest tortoise space behind the player's current position. Otherwise, a player may not move to a tortoise space.
When a player moves to a tortoise space, he takes carrots from the carrot bank equal to 10 times the distance he moved to reach the space.
Hare Space

When a player moves to a hare space, he immediately rolls the die. He then looks up the action he must execute in the die result table using the die roll and his race position. He then executes the required action.
Special Situations
If a player must move due to a hare space action and the move is not possible, he does not move. If a player must eat a carrot due to a hare space action and does not have one, he must start the race over.
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