0 Siesta
This card causes no action, but it is very helpful in generating as low a number as possible, thus playing early on in the turn and making the most use of the second action card.

1 Refreshment
The player may, but does not have to, carry out the action.

2 Protection
If you want to save for valuable buildings by collecting a lot of building materials and/or Pesos, you may also want to protect yourself in time from thieves and tax collectors.
2 Debris

The action has to be carried out.
Example: It is Vanessa's turn to play. There are four debris in the center of the table (4 gray building materials). Vanessa must take all 4 gray building materials from the center of the table.
3 Conservation

The player may, but does not have to, carry out the action. If the player thus removes one building card from the edge of a row of cards, return that card to the box.
Very important: Only one building in total, i.e. by all players, may be removed in a round.
Example: Sarah, Tobias and Vanessa each have a Conservation laid out in front of them. It is Sarah's turn to play before Tobias and Vanessa. She uses her Conservation card and removes the leftmost building card in the upper row. Neither Tobias nor Vanessa can use their Conservation cards to remove a building in this round.
3 Tax Collector

The action has to be carried out. Take 1 Peso from the stock and remove 1 worker or 1 piece of building material from each following player.
Example: It is Peter's turn to play - he has the Tax Collector laid out. In this turn, Vanessa has already played, Tobias and Sarah have yet to play. Peter takes 1 Peso from the stock. Now he has to remove either 1 worker or 1 building material of his choice from each following player, i.e. Tobias and Sarah (not Vanessa!). Workers are returned to the stock, building materials are returned to the box.
4 Worker

The action has to be carried out.
Attention: In order to be allowed to take 2 workers, you do not have to be the player with the lowest in the round - you merely have to be the first player in the current round to carry out this action. If there are not any workers left in the stock, the player is out of luck and cannot carry out his action this round.
4 Architect

The player must take a worker from the stock. The player is, however, not obligated to purchase a building with his architect even is possible.
Purchasing buildings is strictly volontary. If there are not any workers left in the stock, the player is out of luck and cannot carry out his action this round.
5 Pesos Thief

The action has to be carried out.
If there are more than one players following, the Pesos Thief may chose any of those players to steal from. If there is no player following the Pesos Thief in this turn, the Pesos Thief may chose any player to steal from.
Example: Vanessa has the Pesos Thief laid out. Sarah has already played, Peter and Tobias have yet to play. Vanessa has to steal from either Peter or Tobias - who she chooses is entirely up to her. Vanessa chooses Tobias, who has 7 Pesos in front of him. She takes 3 Pesos from him (3.5 = half of the Pesos; rounded down to 3).
Attention: It is possible to have several players who played the Pesos Thief steal from one and the same player. It is also possible that all players have laid out the Pesos Thief - all Pesos Thieves are used consecutively (when it is their respective player's turn to play).
6 Materials Thief

The action has to be carried out. All rules for playing the Pesos Thief (see above) apply to the Materials Thief accordingly.
Important: The Materials Thief usually steals only one building material. It is entirely up to him which building material he takes from the respective player (he may also choose a gray building material!).
Should the victim own more than 3 colored building materials, the Materials Thief may steal two building materials of his choice from that player.
Example: Tobias has laid out the Materials Thief and wants to steal from Sarah, who is following him. At the moment, Sarah has 4 colored building materials (1x yellow, 1x brown and 2x red), as well as 3x debris in front of her. Tobias may take two building materials of his choice from Sarah. He chooses 1 brown and 1 gray building material.
7 Black Market

The action has to be carried out.
Attention: In order to be allowed to take 2 building materials from the bag, you do not have to be the player with the lowest number in the round - you merely have to be the first player in the current round to carry out this action.
8 Pesos

The action has to be carried out.
If several players have the Pesos card laid out, they are all used consecutively (when it is their respective player's turn to play).
Example: Vanessa and Sarah both have the Pesos card laid out in front of them, there are 10 Pesos in the center of the table. Vanessa precedes Sarah and takes 5 Pesos. Out of the remaining 5 Pesos, Sarah takes 3 Pesos (2.5 = half of the Pesos; rounded up to 3).
9 Mama

The action has to be carried out. If several players have the Mama card laid out, they are all used consecutively (when it is their respective player's turn to play). It is entirely up to the player which building materials (half of the colored and half of the gray ones) he takes from the center of the table.
Example: Peter has the Mama laid out. There are 6 colored building materials (1x brown, 2x yellow, and 3x red) and five debris in the center of the table. Peter takes three colored building materials (he chooses 2x yellow and 1x brown) as well as three gray building materials (half of 5 = 2.5; rounded up to 3).
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