
- 84 Hetrix tiles
- 12 link tiles
- Hetrix Point sheet
- Instructions
- Portable pouch

Object of the Game
Create the longest links using 6 colors of gems and make the most links possible to win.
Game Elements
Hetrix Tiles
6 colors of gems are presented on hexagon shaped tiles (84), white gems on hetrix tiles can transform to colors of the surrounding gems. Use it as a joker gem to build more connections in your matrix.
Link Tiles
bonus type of tile with 2 types of gems to be used. Each player picks one link tile at the start of the game. Link tile can be used at any time to create the matrix.
Players build their own matrix with the tiles given. After using all 20 Hetrix tiles to build the matrix, calculate how many gems are connected to get the score.
Disrupt others' matrix with your own tile.
Game Play
Flip over and mix 84 hetrix tiles thoroughly. Players get 5 tiles each.
Flip over and mix 12 link tiles thoroughly. Players get 1 tile each and the rest are not to be used.
Everyone begins the game at the same time. Turn over the tiles and build a matrix. Do not let others see your link tile. Link tile can be used only once in your own matrix.
Player can use all 5 hetrix tiles to build or opt to use one tile against another player (Opponent: only the player to the left). Infiltration can be used to disrupt other's matrix.
Infiltration is permitted only when the opponent has completed his/her round of matrix by using 4 or more tiles.
No player is allowed to make any modifications to the previous matrix once it has been infiltrated.
4 rounds are played with 5 tiles each round and points are tallied at the end of all 4 rounds.

Example: 5 tiles are used to complete the first round of game.
After the first round, 6 points are earned using the yellow gems; 4 points are earned for the red gems.
Red gems are not blocked so it can be made longer in the next round.
Only 3 gems are connected for blue, so no points are earned yet.
However, since it is not blocked, it can be used to earn points in the coming rounds.
Every round requires some strategy. 4 of the same color gems must be connected to begin earning points.
Therefore, 3 gems of same color earn no points. The purpose of Infiltration is to block the player on the left and is made on the player to the left after at least 4 tiles have been laid out in the matrix.
Because 4 rounds are played, it is important to infiltrate in order to lessen the most possible points that can be earned by the player on the left. (Link tile can be used even if only 4 hetrix tiles are used).

Example: On the first round, only 4 hetrix tiles were used and the last one was used to infiltrate the matrix above.
The picture shows that red gems were blacked and limited to only 4 gems connected.
Point Calculation
Tally up the points after 4 rounds has been played. Points are calculated for colors of red, orange, yellow, green and purple. Points are earned only if 4 or more gems of each color are connected.
3 bonus points are rewarded to the player with the longest links for each color (Gems have to be connected for more than 5 possible links).
Bonus points are forfeited when there are more than one player with the same number of longest links.
5 bonus points are rewarded to the player with the longest links(8 or more links are considered the longest). Bonus points are forfeited when there are more than one player with the same number of longest links.
5 bonus points are rewarded to the player with the most links in all matrixes (Points are given to the player with the most gems that have at least 4 links.
Bonus points are forfeited when there are more than one player with the same number of most links possible). Record points per color of gem on the point sheet.
End of the Game
The Player with the most points win.
Example: Through 4 rounds of play, the matrix below has been built. Following are the points for this matrix. The followings are the paints for this matrix.
Red: 5+4 = 9, Orange: 5, Yellow: 6 + 4 = 14, Green: 5, Blue: 10+5 = 15, Purple: 7+4 = 11.
Bonus: 3 for blue (the longest link).
Total pointsL 62 points

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