- 54 GODZILLA Jenga Blocks
- Custom GODZILLA Die
- Custom GODZILLA Board Track
- GODZILLA Loading Tray
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Remove one block at a time from the tower, and then stack it on top. The last player to stack a block without making the tower fall wins the game!
The biggest GODZILLA fan assembles the tower. Using this loading tray, build up the tower by placing layers of three wooden blocks at right angles to each other on a flat surface.
When you finish, you'll have a solid, 18-story tower that can more than double during play!
Carefully stand this loading tray upright, then remove it so the tower of blocks stands by itself.

Traditional Game Play
The GODZILLA fan that built the tower goes first. Play passes to the left.
On your turn:
Carefully remove a block from anywhere BELOW the highest completed story. Use only one hand. Then stack the block on top of the tower at right angles to the blocks just below it.
Removing and Stacking Blocks:
Remove and stack one block per turn. Remember - use only one hand (you can switch hands whenever you wish).
As play proceeds and the weight of the tower shifts, some blocks become looser than others and are easier to remove. You can touch other blocks to find a loose one - but if you move a block out of place, you must put it back in place (using one hand only) before touching another block.
While stacking, always complete a 3-Block story before starting a higher one.
Your turn ends 10 seconds after you stack your block - or as soon as the next player touches one.
Keep removing and stacking blocks until someone makes the tower fall. A real pro can build a tower 36 stories high or more!
Extreme Godzilla Game Play
First, set the tower up as usual. Next, place the Game Board Track adjacent to the tower and set the Loading Tray (Game Board Mover) on the START position. Then, follow the Jenga traditional rules except on your turn roll the die and follow the directive(s):
The active player removes and stacks the amount of blocks indicated on the Game Board Track.
The active player removes and stacks twice the amount of blocks indicated on the Game Board Track.
GODZILLA advances one space. Then the active player removes and stacks the amount of blocks indicated on the Game Board Track.
GODZILLA advances two spaces. Then the active player removes and stacks the amount of blocks indicated on the Game Board Track.
GODZILLA advances one space. Then the active player removes and stacks the amount of blocks indicated on the Game Board Track. Then, the play direction reverses!
The active player passes the turn to the next player without removing or stacking any blocks.
End of the Game
If you're the last player to stack a block without making the tower fall, you win! The player who makes the tower fall has to recite "King of the Monsters" three times while setting up the tower for the next game.
Solo Game Play
Play alone for practice! Can you top your record height before the tower falls?
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