La Granja may be played solitaire, especially to learn key mechanics. All rules are in effect with the following exceptions.
The components of one player plus the player markers of a second color are required (to be used for the "neutral player").
Use 5 dice.
Use turn order markers 2 and 3. Shuffle them (hidden) and draw one marker; place a player marker on the space in the center of the market that corresponds to the number drawn. The player marker of the neutral player is put on the other hexagonal space in the center of the market.
Place two roof markers each round for purchase.
Game Play
Revenue Phase
When the player is start player (he has turn order marker 2), he chooses one die and carries out its action.
Player then discards one die - in the first, second, and third round the die with the lowest number, in the fourth, fifth, and sixth round the die with the highest number.
The player then selects a second die. Following the process above, discard a second die. The player then uses the remaining die. If the player is not the start player, one die is discarded before the player selects a die according to the above rule.
When the player removes a marker of the neutral player from the market, he takes 1 victory point per marker he removes.
Transportation Phase
When the player is the start player, he carries out his complete transportation phase. Draw one card from the draw deck.
The neutral player places a player marker on a space in the market corresponding to the victory point value of the drawn card (market barrow section). The following rules apply to this placement:
Select the market space that allows the neutral player to remove the most of the player's markers as possible.
If several spaces comply with this guideline, place the marker in such a way that it is as difficult as possible to remove (i.e., as far apart as possible from other neutral player markers or in spaces where the adjacent higher numbers are already occupied).
If the player has no markers on the market (or none that may be removed), the neutral player places his marker in such a way that it is as difficult as possible to remove (see above).
If the player is not the start player, a card is drawn from the draw deck and the neutral player places one of his markers on a space of the market corresponding to the victory point value of the drawn card (market barrow section) before the player carries out his transportation phase.
Scoring Phase
If the player reaches the third space of the siesta track, he is the start player in the next game turn. If not, he plays second.

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