When you buy this card, you immediately gain 1 coin (only once).

When you buy this card, you immediate- ly gain 5 coins (only once). Also, each time you buy a heart, you immediately gain 2 coins.

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 1 coin and 2 jump tokens (only once). See "Jump Tokens".

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 2 coins (only once).

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 3 coins (only once). Also, at the end of each buy phase, if you have fewer coins than all other players, you immediately gain 2 coins.
Count this before any player collects coins for the arcade. If you are tied for fewest coins, you do not gain the 2 coins.

When you buy this card, you immediate- ly gain 7 coins (only once). Also, each time your character meets the Red Serpent while in a level, you immediately gain 2 coins (even if you fall).

If you fall, you can choose one of the treasures you are carrying to keep. The rest of the treasures drawn in that run must be discarded.

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 4 coins (only once). Each time you return home with at least 5 treasures, you immediately gain 1 coin.

When you return home, you may immediately discard one of your treasures and draw a new one from the treasure deck.

Gain 2 coins each time a player to your left or right falls. If there is only one other player, only count this once.
The maximum coins you could gain from this in one round is 4 in a 3-5 player game and 2 in a 2-player game.

When you buy buildings, you may use egg treasures as if they were any type.

During each night phase, you gain 1 coin.

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 2 coins (only once). Also, once per round, you may use one of your fish treasures as if it were any other treasure.

When you buy a building that costs 4 or 5 treasures, you gain 3 coins. The Smithy applies to all 4 or 5 cost buildings you buy after it, even in the same round.

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 4 coins (only once). Also, once per round, you may use one of your carrot treasures as if it were any other treasure.

During each night phase, you draw 1 card from the treasure deck.

When your character meets the Sludge Creature in a level, ignore the damage on the card and draw 1 extra treasure card.
If you own multiple copies of this card, only one of them has any effect.

When you buy this card, you immediately gain 6 coins and 2 jump tokens (only once). See "Jump Tokens".

When you buy a normal building (not a star building), you gain 1 coin.
The Hall of Elders does not give a coin for itself, but applies to all normal buildings you buy after it, even in the same round.

When you buy a star building (not a nor- mal building), you gain 1 coin.
The Toll Booth applies to all star buildings you buy after it, even in the same round.

During each night phase, you gain 3 coins.

When you buy this card, you immediate- ly gain 3 coins (only once).
Also, if you fall, draw 1 treasure from the treasure deck after you discard all of the treasures you were carrying.

During each night phase, you gain 2 coins.
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