You can place 1 House on each island that has strictly more of the first Resource than the second.
Example for the first card (more Flowers than Fruits): On an island with 4 Leaves, 3 Flowers and 0 Fruit, there are more Flowers than Fruits so you can place 1 House on this island.

You can place 1 House on each island that has at least all the symbols of the card.
Example for the first card (1 Temple and 2 Flowers): On an island with 1 Temple, 3 Flowers and 1 Fruit, there is indeed at least 1 Temple and at least 2 Flowers, so you can place 1 House on this island.

You can place 1 House on each island that has an equal amount of 2 different Resources present on the island.
Example: On an island with 3 Flowers, 2 Fruits and 2 Leaves, there is an equal amount of Fruits and Leaves, so you can place 1 House on this island.
Only In Advanced Mode

You can place 1 House on each island that has an equal amount of the indicated Resource with one of the two other Resources present on the island.
Example for the first card (equal amount of Flowers and Fruits AND/OR Flowers and Leaves): On an island with 3 Flowers, 3 Fruits and 2 Leaves, there is an equal amount of Flower with one other Resource (Fruits), so you can place 1 House on this island.
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