Potato Charley's infamous smuggling gang is seeking new members. It doesn't take long for the first contenders to arrive - but who is skilled enough to become a worthy member of the gang?
To decide on this matter, big boss Charley himself stages a smuggling contest. It consists of two parts. First, the aspiring smugglers must try to get a piece of contraband that is hidden inside a potato sack of the largest possible size to pass through a hole in the training fence.
Afterwards, those who succeed have a good chance of inspecting the potato sack belonging to another contender whose potato sack is smaller or a potato sack that shamefully got stuck in the hole in the fence.
As a reward, smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats or sour treats are given. But also stink bombs are awarded and can cause a few surprises.

- 1 Rolling track
- 1 Game Board
- 56 Smuggle tokens
- 1 Smuggler Boss
- 1 Balance Scale Base
- 1 Training fence
- 1 Board for the balance scale
- 12 Pieces Of Contraband
- 1 Smuggling aid
- 4 Privacy screens
- 4 Bags Containing Intelligent Modeling Putty
- 1 Bag
- 1 Die
- 1 Hourglass
Object of the Game
The first player to have collected a certain number of smuggle tokens wins. to win, you need to collect either:
- 7 smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats, or ...
- 7 smuggle tokens depicting sour treats, or ...
- at least 5 smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats and at least 5 depicting sour treats.
Handling the Modeling Putty
The intelligent modeling putty knows your needs! It is odorless and non-greasy. No residues will stick to your hands, and it will never dry out. But watch out: If made into a sphere, it can dart away like a bouncy ball.
Should small pieces detach themselves from the modeling putty, you can use the remaining modeling putty of the same color to simply collect the pieces. Notes on the handling of the modeling putty can be found in the corresponding sections of the game rules.
Please note: Like chewing gum, modeling putty that comes in prolonged contact with textiles is very difficult to remove.

Before your first game, carefully remove all parts from the three die-cut sheets. Assemble the scale by sliding the board of the scale through the slot of the scale base until reaching the marking in the center of the board so that the scale is balanced.

Each player chooses a bag with modeling putty and a privacy screen of the same color as the modeling putty.

Each player receives 3 pieces of contraband (1 yellow, 1 red, and 1 purple) and places them behind his or her privacy screen.
The privacy screen should be placed in such a way that none of the opponents can see what's behind it. Fold the upper flaps slightly downward and the lateral flaps slightly inward.
Place the rolling track in the center of the table.
Put the smuggling aid into the corresponding depression in the upper part of the rolling track so that the arrows point to the right when viewed from the front.
Insert the training fence into position in the lower part of the rolling track as shown, so that the symbols on the outer left and right fence posts coincide with the symbols on the smuggling aid when viewed from the front.

Place the game board in front of the rolling track. Three rooms are depicted on the game map: the junk room, the bar, and the boss's office.
Position the scale in the unoccupied corner of the boss's office. Insert the boss into the slot behind the circle in the center of the smuggling aid.
Place the smuggle tokens, the hourglass, and the die beside the game board.

Each player takes 1 smuggle token. The oldest player takes any 1 of the sweet treats (red background), then the next player in a clockwise direction takes any 1 sour treat (yellow background).
A third player would take any 1 sweet treat and a fourth player any 1 sour treat. Each player places their token in front of their privacy screen so that all players can see this token.
Note: It doesn't matter which sweet or sour tokens you take at the beginning of the game or anytime later in the game. All sweet tokens count the same toward winning.
All sour tokens count the same toward winning. But it's nice to have the choice, isn't it?
Game Play
The game consists of several rounds. Each round comprises 3 phases:
- Skill Test
- Ranking
- Inspection
1. Skill Test
In this phase, each player uses their modeling putty to sculpt 1 sphere that they must roll through an opening in the training fence. These spheres represent your sacks of contraband.
A. Determining a New Hole in the Fence
The oldest player is the starting player of the current round. He or she rolls the die and moves the smuggler boss forward - in the direction of the arrow - as many slots as the number he or she has rolled.
The track the boss now stands behind leads to the hole in the fence that all players must use in this round.
Example: A "1" was rolled.

If the player moves the boss beyond the side of the rolling track, he or she simply returns him to the other side and continues counting from there.
Example: A "4" was rolled.

Important: If the player rolls a red number (5 or 6), for the time being the boss remains where he is and the player only flips the hourglass.
To learn which hole in the fence applies in this round, you must wait until you have sculpted your spheres (more about this topic on page 5, Special Case "Red Number on Die").
B. sculpting the sphere and hiding 1 piece of contraband inside
While the hourglass runs, each player sculpts a sphere and hides either 1 red (sweet treat), 1 yellow (sour treat), or 1 purple (stink bomb) piece of contraband in it.
Important: Each player must hide exactly 1 piece of contraband. They may not hide more than one piece in their sphere and may not forgo hiding a piece either.
Should this nevertheless happen, the inspector has guessed correctly in any case and may take any 1 piece of contraband from the supply (see also "Inspection").
The sphere should be as large as possible but not so large that it gets stuck in the hole in the fence. When sculpting, please note the following:
To detach a portion of the modeling putty, hold the modeling putty with both hands and yank the desired portion off. If you do this too slowly, the modeling putty becomes stringy as if it were chewing gum. If this happens, simply try it again.
When you hide a piece of contraband inside your modeling putty, make sure that your opponents cannot see the piece of contraband.
The rounder you make your sphere, the better the chance that it won't get stuck in the hole in the fence. Preferably, you should roll the sphere between the palms of your hands, gradually applying less and less pressure so that it becomes as evenly rounded as possible.
You are not allowed to gauge the size of the sphere by holding it close to a circle on the smuggling aid or in front of a hole in the fence. When sculpting the sphere, your hands should always remain behind the privacy screen.
As soon as the hourglass has run out, each player may still finish rounding their sphere; however, they are not allowed to add modeling putty to the sphere or remove modeling putty from it.
Hint: When playing the game for the first time, it isn't all that easy to gauge the appropriate sphere size so that the sphere fits through a hole in the fence.
Therefore, you first should sculpt a couple of test spheres before beginning the actual game.
C. The Test
The starting player places his or her sphere on the starting position of the current rolling track. Then he or she gently pushes the sphere so that it rolls toward the hole in the fence.

If the sphere rolls through the hole, the player was successful and may enter the bar, where he or she places the sphere on any unoccupied stool.
If the sphere gets stuck in the hole, the player can make a second attempt. He or she may try to improve the roundness of the sphere without adding or removing modeling putty.
If the sphere gets stuck in the hole again, the player has failed and must go to the junk room, where he or she places the sphere on any unoccupied barrel.In clockwise order, the other players then try to roll their spheres through the hole in the fence.
Important: Two spheres will adhere to one another if they touch, and they may not separate cleanly when you try to separate them.
Therefore, you should first remove your sphere after it has passed through the hole in the fence before the next sphere is rolled down the track.
If you place spheres in one of the rooms depicted on the game board, make sure to place them separately on the stools or barrels, so that there is sufficient space between them.

Special Case "Red Number on Die":
First Sculpt the Sphere, Then Determine the Hole

If the starting player rolls a red number ("5" or "6"), all players must first sculpt their spheres. Only then the starting player rolls the die again and determines the current hole in the fence for this round's test.
Therefore, you do not know which hole you will have to roll your finished sphere through. If you don't want to take risks, you better sculpt a small sphere.
However, if you're not afraid to take risks, you sculpt a larger sphere. Maybe a larger hole in the fence will be determined, and you'll have a chance to obtain a good ranking.
Important: The starting player doesn't roll the die until the hourglass has run out. This time, the number rolled definitely counts - even if it is a red "5" or "6" again.
2. Ranking
All players who managed to roll their spheres through the holes in the fence and, therefore, landed in the bar now compare the size of their spheres.
In the boss's office, the largest sphere is placed on the armchair marked with a "1".
The second-largest sphere is placed on the armchair marked with a "2".
All other spheres are removed from the bar and placed on unoccupied barrels in the junk room. You thus can end up in the junk room even though you have successfully passed the test. Hence, you shouldn't sculpt your spheres too small.
Important: In a 2-player game, only the armchair marked with a "1" is occupied by a sphere. The player who has the smaller sphere must place it in the junk room.
Note: During the subsequent inspection of an opponent taking place in the junk room, you only have a chance to win 2 smuggle tokens this turn if you have obtained a seat in the boss's office (see "Inspection").
The Scale

If you can't discern clearly which sphere is larger, make use of the scale. The heavier sphere is also the larger one.
If, in rare cases, 2 spheres have the same weight - that is, none of the two sides of the board of the scale clearly touches the surface of the table - roll the die to determine whose sphere shall be considered larger. The player who rolls the higher number wins.
3. Inspection

Even though you've made it through the hole, there's no need to put such silly grins on your faces! Now I want to see who is better at playing the role of a customs inspector. V
Only if all players' spheres got stuck in the hole in the fence and landed in the junk room, inspection does not take place in this round. In this case, put your sphere back behind your privacy screen and remove your smuggle token from the modeling putty. Nothing else will happen in this round.
If, however, at least one sphere is in the boss's office, the inspection takes place.
A. Who Inspects Whom
In a 2-player game: The player whose sphere is on place 1 in the boss's office inspects the opponent in the junk room.
In a 3-player game: The player whose sphere is on place 1 in the boss's office inspects 1 opponent in the junk room. If 2 players ended up in the junk room, the inspector can choose which of the two he or she wants to inspect. In a 3-player game, the player on place 2 is not allowed to perform an inspection.
In a 4-player game: First, the player on place 1 inspects any 1 opponent in the junk room. The player whose sphere is on place 2 in the boss's office then inspects the other opponent in the junk room. If 3 players ended up in the junk room, only 1 inspection is performed. In this case, the player on place 1 may inspect any 1 of these 3 opponents.
B. How Is the Inspection Performed
The inspector names the piece of contraband he or she believes to be hidden inside the opponent's sphere, saying either "sweet treat", "sour treat", or "stink bomb".

Then the opponent must open his or her sphere and show what is hidden inside. Now there are 2 possibilities:
1. the Inspector Guesses Correctly:
If the inspector correctly guessed "sweet treat" or "sour treat", he or she takes 1 smuggle token of the matching color from the supply and places it in front of his or her privacy screen.
If "sweet treat" was the correct guess, the inspector takes any 1 red token. If "sour treat" was the correct guess, the inspector takes any 1 yellow token. In both cases, the inspected player receives nothing and places the sphere behind his or her privacy screen.
If the inspector correctly guessed "stink bomb", he or she receives the stink bomb (the purple piece of contraband) and places it behind his or her privacy screen. He or she may use it in one of the next rounds.
2. the Inspector Guesses Incorrectly:
In this case, the inspector receives nothing. Depending on what the inspected player has smuggled, the following happens:
If the inspected player smuggled a sweet treat or a sour treat, he or she places the sphere and the piece of contraband behind his or her privacy screen and takes - depending on which piece of contraband was hidden inside the sphere - either 1 smuggle token depicting a sweet treat or 1 smuggle token depicting a sour treat from the supply and places it in front of his or her privacy screen.
If the inspected player smuggled a stink bomb, he or she may take any 1 smuggle token from the inspector and place it in front of his or her privacy screen. Afterwards, the inspected player also places the stink bomb in front of his or her privacy screen. The player may not use the stink bomb again.

Note: If the inspector has no smuggle tokens left, the inspected player takes any 1 smuggle token from the supply.
C. The players who were not inspected reveal their pieces of contraband
After all inspections have been performed, the players who have not been inspected reveal their respective piece of contraband. The players in the boss's office begin, in the order of the places they occupy.
If a player in the junk room wasn't inspected, he or she is the next one to reveal his or her pieces of contraband.
Note: In a 4-player game, it may happen that two players in the junk room were not inspected. If so, the player who sculpted the smaller sphere may reveal his or her piece of contraband first.
If you have smuggled a sweet treat or a sour treat, you may take any 1 smuggle token of the matching color from the supply and place it in front of your privacy screen.
If you have smuggled a stink bomb, you may take any 1 smuggle token from an opponent of your choice and place it in front of your privacy screen. Then place the used stink bomb in front of your privacy screen.
Note: If none of the opponents have any smuggle tokens, the player takes any 1 smuggle token from the supply.
The Next Round
After finishing a round, the next player in clockwise order is the new starting player and receives the die. Then the game proceeds as described above.
End of the Game
The game ends immediately after a player has accumulated the following smuggle tokens in front of his or her privacy screen:
- 7 smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats or
- 7 smuggle tokens depicting sour treats or
- at least 5 smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats and at least 5 depicting sour treats.
That player has won the game and the game ends.

Important: When a player wins, the current round is not played to the end. The other players no longer get their turns.
Short Game
If you want to familiarize yourself with the game a little faster, you can agree to reduce the number of smuggle tokens required to win the game. In this case, the first player to have accumulated the following tokens wins:
5 smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats or
5 smuggle tokens depicting sour treats or
at least 4 smuggle tokens depicting sweet treats and at least 4 depicting sour treats.
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