You haven't bought anything for 6 months, its 8:59am on the morning of the biggest sale of the year. You and the shoppers are standing around outside, shopping lists ready, eager to begin the battle for the hottest clothing on the market.
And now, the store s heavy metal shutters are beginning to rise...

- 85 Clothing Cards
- 15 Objective Cards with 1 Shopping Bag
- 10 Objective Cards with 2 Shopping Bags
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Race to be the first player (or team of players) to complete your shopping list by sorting through piles of clothes to find the items that match your list!

Decide whether you want to play the game individually or in small teams.
Choose a game mode
Sold Out! includes 3 different ways to play. Each variation is explained in detail below. Decide how many rounds you want to play and pick a game variation at the beginning of each round.
For your first few games, we recommend you play with the rules for "The Rush" variation.
Arrange The Store
Randomly arrange the clothing cards in 4 piles of 10 cards each and 5 piles of 9 cards each. To simulate a mall feeling, you can place the piles in different locations in the room. Spread out the 9 piles on various pieces of furniture, on the floor etc...
Making Your Shopping List
(for Games 1 & 2)
Each player or team of players creates its shopping list by drawing 2 objective cards at random (1 objective card with 1 shopping bag and 1 objective card with 2 shop- ping bags on the back).
After all players have reviewed the items in their shopping list, they place their cards face up on the Starting Table (where players v.311 bring back clothing cards they will find in the store).
Note,: A "shopping list" is the combination of 2 objective cards.

Game Modes
Game 1: The Rush
At the starting signal, the game begins. Each player races to find the shopping items on their shopping list. Players can pick up any pile of cards of their choice in the store. They then start looking quickly for the clothing card that matches a picture of an item on their shopping list.
Important: It is forbidden to take the objective cards away from the Starting Table (they must stay where they are the whole game), but shopping lists can be consulted at any time.
After a player has looked through a pile of clothing, two things can happen:
None of the clothing item she was looking for was in the pile: She puts down the pile wherever she wants in the store, and then picks up a new pile.
One of clothing item she was looking for was in the pile: She takes the card and races back to the Starting Table, to place it next to her shopping list. She then must go back quickly to the store to find another clothing item from her list. (Which will be stacked up on the first card when found and so on ..).
Important: Once a player has taken a pile and looked through it, she must put it back down before taking another pile. Clothing cards cannot be held in hand.
Matching clothing cards must be immediately brought to the Starting Table, and placed next to the shopping list.
Players are not allowed to scatter cards or mix piles!
As soon as one player (or one team if playing in team) has completed its shopping list (Both objective cards are completely matched) they shout, "SOLD OUT! " and the round ends.
All players must immediately stop what they are doing and any cards still in their hands must be put down in the store.
Then points are awarded to all players.
Each, objective card entirely completed (without mistake) scores victory points equal to the number of shopping bags printed on it. A mistake on one card does not prevent you from scoring points for the other card (if it is matched correctly).

Game 2: Memory
Players are given a short time (30 seconds or so) to memorize the items on their shopping lists.
At the end of the 30 seconds the round starts and players are not allowed to look at their shopping list again until one of them thinks she has gathered in her hand all the clothing cards on her shopping list.
As soon as one player (or one team) believes she has gathered all the clothes on their list, she calls out, "SOLD OUT!".
All players must immediately stop what they are doing. Then points are awarded to all players as in GAME 1.

Game 3: Tidying Up
In this game variation players are not shopping anymore. Instead, they have to cleanup a room and put away clothes into dressers. There are 2 more dressers than there are players (as many dressers as there are players +2). To create the dressers, take that many chairs and randomly put an objective card on each chair.
To create the piles of clothes that need to be cleaned up, arrange the clothing cards in 9 piles (4 piles of 10 cards and 5 piles of 9 cards) and spread them out in the room.
The players' objective is to find the clothes on each objective card. Each player (or team) can find clothes of any dresser in whatever order they like. As soon as a player or a team finds an item of clothing, she puts it next to the matching objective card.
In order to keep track of who played each clothing card, you must define (before beginning the round) at which position each player (or team) will pile up its clothes on a chair.

Example,: Team A Will put clothes on the top of each ob- jective card. Team B will put them on the left, team C on the right.
At the starting signal, players begin to look for clothes for the dresser of their choice. As soon as a player finds the item of clothing she was looking for she puts it in the position agreed on for herself or her team. Then, that player can return to the room to continue looking for new clothes for any dresser.
The round ends when all dressers are filled.
When the round is over each dresser is assessed. The player or team which found the most clothes in one dresser scores the victory points of this objective card. (equal to the number of shopping bags printed on it).
When players have the same number of clothes, nobody earns victory points for that dresser.
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