Event Cards
Shuffle the 5 Event cards at the start of the game and and place them in a stack. The top card is turned face up. During the game, as soon as its condition is met, the card is discarded and the next card is turned face-up.
If the last card's condition is ever fulfilled, the game immediately ends.

When all 4 plague cards have been played, each player removes an army from his reinforcement pool. These armies are placed with the three that were set aside during setup. f a player does not have any armies in his reinforce- ment pool, he must remove it from the board.

War Chariot
If a player has marked 3 Provinces with his number 6 card, he may select another Warlord card to play during the game.

Champion Challenge
If a player plays a "9" and does not win the battle, he must set aside one army (either from his reinforcement pool or from the board).

Hero Challenge
If a player plays a "10" and does not win the battle, he must set aside 2 armies (either from his reinforcement pool or from the board).

Light Infantry
If a "1" is placed opposite a "1", the player who is behind on the scoretrack may place an army in the affected Province.
Special Cards
"1" Card
If a player has used his "1" card, at the end of the turn, instead of drawing 2 cards and keeping one, he draws 3 cards and keeps 2.
"6" Card
Once a "6" is revealed, player must one of his armies (from his reinforcement pool or from the board if his reinforcement pool is empty) and place it in the small box above the province's name.
This army cannot be used for the remainder of the game. It has no military value, and just serves as a reminder that the player cannot play a "6" card in this province.
"+ 1" Card
The value of this card is equal to the value of the card the other player used +1.
"- 1" Card
The value of this card is equal to the value of the card the other player used -1.
"+ 2" Card
The value of this card is equal to the value of the card the other player used +2.
In addition, the player of this card must set aside one of his armies (either from his reinforcement pool or from the board).
"+ 3" Card
The value of this card is equal to the value of the card the other player used +3. In addition, the the player of this card must set aside two of his armies (either from his reinforcement pool or from the board).
If two players play the same card bonus (+1, -1, +2 or +3), there is a draw and nothing happens in the province.
If a "-1" card is opposed to a +1, +2 or +3 card, only the "+" card is taken into account, and the "-1"card counts as value 0. The outcome of the battle is therefore the value of the bonus card.
If players play "+" cards of different values (+1, +2 or +3) the result of the battle is simply the difference between the two bonuses.
"Plague" Card
When a "Plague" card is played, there is no fighting in the province. All effects of the
opponent's card are cancelled. Half (rounded down) of the armies in this province are returned to the reinforcement pool of their owner.
If both players played a "Plague" card, this effect is resolved only once.
Warlord Cards
Unless stated otherwise, the Warlord Cards can be freely played before or after the resolution phase of fighting. After play, discard it.
Kingowhf Warlord Cards

Play your "six" card in a prov- ince where it has already been played (mark the province with a second army).

During one of the first 6 rounds of the game, remove an army from any province. It is placed back in the player's reinforcement pool.

Counter a Plague. The Plague is instead treated as a zero.

For this turn, Plague destroys all armies except one in the province (instead of only half).

If you play a Plague, you may return it to the bottom of the Action deck then discard the top card of the deck.
Suntzu Warlord Cards

During one of the first 6 rounds, move one of your armies to an adjacent province that is empty or under your control.

After revealing your cards, if you played a "7", "8", "9" or "10", it is played as if it had a value of "6". Do not mark the province.

Begin the game with the the score marker 1 space to your side.

If you play "-1", you may return the "- 1" to the bottom of the Action deck then discard the top card of the deck.

During one of the first 6 rounds, place an army from your reinforce- ment pool in any province you already control.
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