- 64 Number Cards 1-8 (each 4x in Red and 4x in Blue)
- 46 Mission Cards
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
"Teamplay" is a partner game. Two players per team help each other in trying to fulfill missions using their hand cards. The team with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner.

Choose a dealer who will thoroughly shuffle all the Number Cards and place 3 cards face up in the center of the table (this is the general bank).
Then the dealer will deal Number cards face down to be kept secret in their hands: 1 card to the player on the dealer's left, 2 cards to the next player, then 3 cards to everyone else. Place the remaining Number Cards in a face-down draw pile on the table.

Now also shuffle the Mission Cards and place 1 card face up in the center of the table. Deal 1 Mission Card face up to each player and place the remaining Mission Cards in a face-down draw pile on the table.
With an even number of players, each player has one opportunity to place their Mission Card onto the discard pile of Mission Cards. They receive a new Mission Card that must be kept.
With an uneven number of players, each player receives a second card and places both cards face up before them.
This number of face-up Mission Cards per player remains the same throughout the whole game.
Important: In this game - no matter how many missions anyone completes - there is no single winner.
You win (or lose) as a team, together with your +partner. With 4 players the 1st and 3rd players as well as the 2nd and 4th players of a round each form a team.
With 6 players the 1st and 4th, 2nd and 5th as well as the 3rd and 6th players of a round each form a team. Only in a game of 3 and 5 players do the players play individually.
Game Play
Play takes place in a clockwise direction. The player to the left of the dealer starts. When it's your turn, you must first of all check the hand card limit (not applicable in the first round).
At the beginning of your turn, you may hold a maximum of 6 hand cards (with 3 and 5 players a maximum of 8 hand cards). If you have more cards, you must reduce the number of hand cards to 6 before playing your turn.
Place the discarded cards on the discard pile for Number Cards.
Important: The hand card limit is only applicable at the beginning of the corresponding turn; afterwards you may hold more cards.
When it's your turn, you have the following 3 action options which you may play in any order:

A. Draw 2 Number Cards (mandatory)
Draw 2 cards. You may draw both Number Cards from the general bank or from the draw pile, or 1 from each area. If you draw a face-up card, the bank is immediately replenished.
Drawing cards can be interrupted by Action B. Thus, draw 1 card, then fulfill a mission and subsequently draw the second card.
If there are no more Number Cards in the draw pile, reshuffle the pile of discarded cards and place them face down to make a new draw pile.
B. Fulfill a Mission Card (optional, Multiple)
If you are able to fulfill the required number combination of the Mission Card lying face up in front of you or in the center of the table, then you can display the corresponding Number Cards and place them on the discard pile.
One of the two team players "collects" the fulfilled Mission Cards. Replace the fulfilled Mission Card (no matter whether a General Mission from the table center or lying in front of a player) with a new Mission Card from the draw pile immediately.
If you don't like the newly drawn Mission Card, discard it and draw the next Mission Card. You must keep this one though.
Important: You may fulfill several Mission Cards during your turn. A newly drawn Mission Card can be fulfilled in the same turn, as long as the cards match.
You need new cards for each new mission. You may not use the same card for several missions.
Overview of the Mission Cards:
If the cards are shown in red or blue, then the corresponding card must be of exactly that same color. If the number or symbol is black, then the color of the required hand cards is irrelevant!
Same symbols mean that the numbers must also be the same. Consecutive letters mean that any numbers may be used, but they must follow consecutively.
The straight line means: even number cards.
The crooked/uneven line means: uneven or odd number cards.

Exactly 3 red cards, whereby the sum of two added together must equal the value of the third card. e.g.: 1 + 5 = 6

Exactly 3 red cards, which must total exactly 7.
e.g.: 3 + 2 + 2 = 7.

4 high blue numbers (6, 7, 8) in any combination.
e.g.: 6, 6, 7, 8

2 different red pairs.
e.g.: 2, 2 and 5, 5

5 red, consecutive numbers.
e.g.: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1 pair showing the same number (color of the individual cards is irrelevant).
e.g.: 3, 3

The numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 (color of the individual cards is irrelevant).
e.g.: 1, 3, 5, 7.

2 different pairs of uneven numbers (color of the individual cards is irrelevant).
e.g.: 3, 3 and 7, 7

3 different pairs (color of the individual cards is irrelevant)e.g.: 3, 3 and 5, 5 and 8, 8 (but not 3, 3 and 5, 5 and 3, 3 - those are 2 different pairs)

Three of a kind comprising uneven numbers (1, 3, 5, 7) (Color of the individual cards is irrelevant). e.g.: 3, 3, 3

Three of a kind comprising even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8) (color of the individual cards is irrelevant). e.g.: 4, 4, 4

Either 4 random uneven blue or 4 random uneven red cards (in any combination).
e.g.: 1, 5, 5, 7

3 different pairs comprising either even numbers only or uneven numbers only (color of the individual cards is irrelevant). e.g.: 7, 7 and 5, 5 and 1, 1

Any number of cards of any color, which must total exactly 12.
e.g.: 4 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 12

3 low numbers (1, 2, 3) in any combination (color of the individual cards is irrelevant) e.g.: 1, 3, 3

Three of a kind and 1 pair (color of the individual cards is irrelevant).
e.g.: 7, 7, 7 and 5, 5
C. Give your Partner 1 or 2 Cards (optional)
(not applicable for 3 and 5 players)
You can push 1 or 2 hand cards across to your partner, face down, who takes these into their hand. If this exceeds the card limit, your partner must reduce their hand cards at the beginning of their own turn!
Important: No communication allowed in doing so! Thus, you cannot ask your partner which cards they need nor express a request for certain numbers.
Therefore, you must always pay attention to the cards your partner draws. It can also be helpful to remember which cards you have received from your partner and of course which cards have already been played.
But at any time, you may ask how many cards the other players are holding in their hands (also opposing players).
Once a player has completed their actions, it is the next player's turn in a clockwise direction.
End of the Game
As soon as one of the teams has fulfilled their 8th Mission Card, the end of the game is announced. Every player (including the one who triggered the end of the game) has exactly one more turn.
Then add up the victory points shown on the Mission Cards. The team with the most points wins the game. If there is a tie, the team that accomplished the least missions wins.
With 3 or 5 players, the end of the game is announced as soon as one player has fulfilled their 5th Mission Card. The player with the most points wins the game.

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