
- 6 clothes pin
- Ballot box
- Voting cards in 6 colors
- 18 symbols cards ('+', '0', and '±')
- Question cards
- Score pad
- Rulebook
Each player takes a clothes pin and fastens it to their collar or other visible place. This will be your color for the game.
All players receive two voting cards of each color in the game, except their own color. Each player receives three symbol cards: one of each '+', '0', and '±'. The question cards are shuffled and placed on the table. Place the ballot box in the middle.
Playing Sequence:

Game Play
The game has four steps:
- Voting
- Predicting the results
- Counting the votes
- A new round begins

1. Voting
A player takes a question card, turns it over and reads the question aloud.
All players, including the reader, will answer the question as follows: once you have made your choice, look at the clothes pin of the chosen player(s) and take the corresponding colored voting cards from your hand.
You always place two votes: If you feel very strongly that one player fits the description on the card, place both votes using his or her color. If you think two players fit the description, place one vote using one each of their color.
Cast your vote by sliding the two cards into the ballot box without letting anyone see your choice.
The fun of the game depends a lot on keeping everyone's votes secret. You can make it more difficult for others to peek by casting your votes with both colored sides facing inward.
Example: Greg (red) is playing against Eric (green), Marsha (blue), and Tracy (yellow). reads the following question aloud: 'Who thinks they drive well, but you wouldn't want to get in a car that he/she is driving?'
Greg immediately thinks of Eric, and places two green voting cards into the ballot box. Eric is uneasy with Marsha's driving style, but also that of Tracy.
He therefore puts one blue and one yellow card into the ballot box. Marsha and Tracy also vote making a total of 8 cards in the box.
Don't forget:
- Each player places two cards (votes), for every question.
- The word 'who' in the questions always means 'which player'.
- You cannot vote for yourself

2. Predicting
Each player has now cast two votes for the question. But it is not yet time to open the ballot box! Now each player must predict how many votes he or she received. You have to guess whether you got the most votes, did not get any votes or came out somewhere in between.
The most (+) means a majority, or that there are more cards of your color in the ballot box than for the other players.
If two or more colors tie for first place, then there is no majority, but a minority (±) situation. A minority (±) means that your color was selected, but not more than the others.
A zero (0) means, not surprisingly, that no one voted for you.
Choose one of the three cards: '+', '0' or '±' and place it face down in front of you. Once all the players have placed their cards, all the prediction cards are turned over simultaneously. It is then time to reveal the votes.

3. Counting the votes
The ballot box is opened, and the voting cards are shuffled (in order to prevent people from guessing on the basis of order). Then they are laid out on the table and counted.
Correct predictions are scored as follows:
- Three points for a correct prediction that you received the majority of the votes (+)
- One point for a correct prediction that you received a minority of the votes (±).
- Three points for a correct prediction that you did not receive any votes (0).
- Zero points for an incorrect prediction.
Put your score in the first box under your initials.
4. New Round
Players now turn in all their voting cards (make sure that you don't let the others see which of your cards are missing since this would give away your vote). Each player then receives a full set of voting cards. The next player takes a question card, turns it over, and reads the question aloud.
End of the Game
After 10 questions have been read, total each player's score. The player with the highest score wins. Of course, it is also possible to play a longer game using a new score sheet.
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