Action Space
A dashed oval where a single worker can be placed. Workers can only be placed in the current season, and each worker can only be placed once a year. Some action spaces are private- they are on your player mats or on structures you've built. Only you can place workers on your private action spaces.
Ace Grapes &.wine
Increase the value of all grape tokens on your crush pad and wine tokens in your cellar. Wine tokens cannot advance into cellars that you haven't built.
An extra benefit indicated inside an action space. You may place a worker on a bonus even if you don't use it (you must take the action, but the bonus is optional). Take the bonus and the action in any order.
Starting with the top player on the wake-up chart and proceeding down the chart, each player will draw either a summer or winter visitor card.
Grande Worker
The grande worker acts as a regular worker, but it can be placed on an action even if all action spaces are full (this ability can only be used on the board). The only way for a grande worker to gain a bonus is to place it on a bonus action space.
Choose a field on your vineyard mat that you have not already harvested this year (each field may only be harvested once per year). Add up the total value of all red vines on that field and place a grape token on the space with the corresponding value on your red crush pad.
Then do the same for white vines. The vine cards remain planted on the fields (you're simply plucking grapes from those vines).
Make Wine
Using the grapes on your crush pad, make 2 wine tokens (the type of wine may be different for each token). You cannot combine 2 same-color grapes to make a wine of the same color-1 red grape token becomes 1 red wine token of the same value (devalue it if you don't have the cellar space).
To make 1 blush wine token, combine 1 red grape token and 1 white grape token-add the values of the 2 grape tokens to determine the value of the blush wine token (must be at least 4).
To make 1 sparkling wine token, combine 2 red grape tokens and 1 white grape token-add the values of the value of the 3 grape tokens to determine the value of the sparkling wine token (must be at least 7).
Place Grape Tokens On Crush Pad Or Wine Tokens In Cellar
Some visitor cards, trade actions, or special workers enable you to "place" a specific type of token onto your vineyard mat. This is distinctly different than harvesting vines (to gain grape tokens) or making wine tokens (moving grape tokens to your cellar to become wine tokens).
When you "place" a grape or wine token, it is as if you are buying a grape or wine from a source outside of your vineyard. So you will take a glass token and place it directly on your crush pad (grape) or cellar (wine).
Play 1 Visitor Card
Choose a visitor card in your hand, pay the cost if necessary, gain the benefit (you must be able to fully pay the cost and fully gain the benefit), and place it face-up on its discard pile.
Starting with the player who has the first player token and proceeding clockwise, each player will place their rooster on an open row of the wake-up chart to determine player order for the rest of the year.
Starting with the top player on the wake-up chart and proceeding down the chart, each player will either place 1 worker on any available action space in the summer (yellow action spaces) and then immediately take that action, or that player may choose to save their remaining workers for the winter by passing.
This cycle of turns continues until all players have passed.
Temporary Worker
The player who selects the last row of the wake-up chart gets the grey temporary worker to use that year. The temporary worker is considered to be that player's worker in all regards for the remainder of the current year, including any reference to "your workers" or "your regular workers".
When you retrieve workers at the end of the year, retrieve the temporary worker token and place it back on the wake-up chart.
There is no trading between players in Viticulture.
This is an action you can take by using the Yoke or some visitor cards. Choose a planted vine card on your vineyard mat and return it to your hand.
Wake-up Chart
The player at the top of the wake-up chart takes the first turn (i.e., place 1 worker or pass) each season, followed by each other player in wake-up order. Your wake-up order stays the same throughout the year. Use wake-up order when players must make any sequential decision (e.g., drawing cards in the fall or making a decision based on an interactive visitor card).
Starting with the top player on the wake-up chart and proceeding down the chart, each player will place 1 worker on any available action space in the winter (blue action spaces) and then immediately take that action.
This cycle of turns continues until all players have played all of their workers.
Year End
Players age their grape and wine tokens, return workers to their vineyard mats, collect residual payments, remove rooster tokens from the wake-up chart, and rotate the first-player token counter-clockwise.
The game then ends if any player reached or exceeded 20 victory points any time during the year.
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