- 496 Guess Words on 248 Word Cards
- 35 Challenge Cards
- 5 Blank Cards
- 2 Clue Boards
- 2 Markers
- Card Concealer Folder
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Figure out the Guess Word on the card in the fewest number of clues.
The Catch
Players will describe What Theirs Is Like with truthful, yet clever, answers. Don't be too specific, or you'll give the player in the Hot Seat an easy guess. For example, if the Guess Word is Hair, players might say:
- Mine disappeared when I was 40.
- Mine is always a mess.
- Mine isn't real.
- I spend a lot of time on mine.
- Mine is easy to care for.
- I find mine all over the house.
- Mine looks the same as it did 10 years ago.
- In high school, mine was wild.
Note: Descriptions should be creative and fun in order to make game play fun. Descriptions that are too literal or too vague will not be fun. Examples of undesirable clues for the Guess Word Hair might be: …